Mira’s eyes glide over my face, and she sighs heavily, “So what are we supposed to do then, genius? It was your moronic idea that got us into this predicament in the first place!”
“You were the one bitching about wanting to shower. I have no qualms sitting around in my boxers, and it beats sleeping in a shirt and trousers any day. You’re the one with the problem here, Tinks. How about you figure this one out.”
Mira opens her mouth to no doubt fire back another scathing remark when there's a knock at the door. “What?!” She snaps hotly, glaring at the door. It opens slowly, and a sheepish Ayla pokes her head in, her eyes closed.
“Everyone decent? I come in peace.” Ayla states, holding up the peace sign with her fingers.
“Yes, we’re decent…ish,” I tell her, and she opens her eyes and looks at us standing side by side wrapped in towels. Ayla’s eyes sweep over the length of me, and she openly gawks at my chest, her cheeks turning rosy. I know it sounds pompous, but I’m used to women looking at me like that, so I’ve learnt not to let it creep me out anymore.
Mira clears her throat abruptly, and Ayla snaps out of her reverie and looks at her younger sister, watching her with a brow raised. “What's up, Ayla?”
“Oh uh, I heard you guys fighting about the whole getting dressed fiasco and thought I’d come in and offer a solution?”
Mira’s features soften, and we both watch her with interest. “Go on.” I urge.
“Devin, I might need you to hold Mimi off because she’s going to come for me.” I look back at Mira, who is already glaring daggers at Ayla. I’ve always found it so fascinating how she could be so sweet yet so feisty. I often blamed her hot temper for being so tiny; she’s built with a short fuse and zero patience and even less tolerance to bullshit.
“Dad gave me a spare key for emergencies…”
“What?!” Mira exclaims, taking two steps toward Ayla, who shrugs apologetically and shoots me a beseeching look. “You’ve had a fucking key this whole time Ayla?”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew you would force me into uncuffing you, and then Dad would be furious.” Ayla attempts to justify, but Mira shakes her head angrily.
“Dad is the least of your worries right now, Ayla! Uncuff us right this second.” Mira demands stormily.
Ayla shakes her head remorsefully. “See, this is why I didn’t say anything. You’ve both come so close to getting the handcuffs off. It's just a few more days. Dad said if you don’t play by the rules and find a way out of those cuffs without his blessing, he’ll...”
Boy, if Mira were a cartoon character, her head would have imploded right now. She is livid. “He’ll do what?!”
“He’ll repeal your shares, demote you and reassign your position as VP to Keira,” I observe the anger drain away from Mira’s face. She’s completely taken aback, and so am I. Keira as VP, no fucking chance will I work with that blood-sucking harpie.
“He wouldn’t do that,” Mira replies, her voice barely an octave over a whisper.
“Mira’s right. He’s surely bluffing. Uncle Noah would never repeal her shares or demote her from her position for something this stupid. It makes no sense.” I interject firmly, “And even if he did, that’s not a decision he can make on his own. He’ll need the board's approval, and I would never agree to it.”
“It’s not over something stupid Devin, Mira has been appointed to take over as Director of Evans and King once dad retires. That’s what he’s been preparing her for all these years. It may seem stupid to both of you, but you’re not looking at the bigger picture.
This is just a test to see if she’s mature enough to take on the position. You both already know the Director and CEO of the company have to work almost hand in hand to run the company and if the two of you can’t even stand to be in the same room as one another then how are you supposed to run the company together, and how is dad supposed to step down and enjoy his retirement without worrying that you two will kill each other and bankrupt the business in the process.”
“Dad wants me to take over?” Mira questions, stunned, and Ayla nods. “But he’s not due to retire for another eight years?”
“You’re not supposed to know yet, but dad wants to retire early. Dad’s tired, Mimi. He’s been at this since he was our age. Both Dad and Uncle Greyson are retiring.” Ayla looks over at me. “Does Mira know?” I nod in response when she questions if Mira knew about my Dad’s cancer. “Dad told me a couple of days ago. I’m sorry, Devin, but Uncle Greyson is strong, and I know he’s going to beat this.” Mira and I sink onto the bed together, and I sigh.
So that’s why they’ve got us handcuffed together. They’re preparing us to step into their positions and continue growing the business together.
“There’s a lot of expectations and responsibility riding on the two of you. You’re the future of Evans and King.”
Mira and I turn and look at one another simultaneously. I just knew there had to be a bigger reason for her Dad pushing for us to work together and insisting we stay cuffed. I just never expected it to be this. “So, I can uncuff you while you both freshen up and change, but then I’m going to have to put them back on.”
“And you didn’t think to tell us this before we were forced to shower together?” Mira questions, and the corner of Ayla’s lip quirks.
“I mean, I could have, but it was hilarious listening to you two attempt to shower in there.” She admits with a giggle and covers her mouth with her hand when Mira shoots her a deathly glare.
“Oh God, you were listening to us shower?”
“Fuck yeah, we were!” Mira and I jump when Wyatt's voice comes from the other side of the door. “I could have been two hundred quid richer if you two just shagged. There goes my Gucci scarf.”
Ayla leans over and pulls the door open, revealing an eavesdropping Wyatt with his ear pressed to the door. He almost falls into the room when Ayla yanked the door open, but he manages to catch himself and straighten.