Page 56 of Cuffed By Love

“And look at you handcuffed together. Your Dad is a genius, Chica!”

Mira gives Lexi a disgruntled look and sighs, “Oh sure, of course he is. My father will undoubtedly be up for a Nobel prize nomination for the most bizarre and idiotic conception ever.” She drawls sarcastically while holding up her hand that’s cuffed to mine. “Who in their right mind would ever think of something like this as a solution…to anything. I’m contemplating taking him to get his head examined because this isn’t normal. I’m convinced more than ever that he’s lost the bloody plot.”

“Dad has not lost the plot, Mimi. You’re just pissed that this idea of his is, in fact, bloody incredible and downright hilarious. There’s even a pool going on a work to see how long you two will be cuffed for.” Ayla states with a giggle, walking through to the living room from the kitchen holding two bottles of Chenin Blanc and a couple of glasses. Mira gapes at her.

“There’s bloody what?!” She sputters, appalled. I press my lips together to hold back my laughter and preclude getting punched in the throat by a displeased Mira, who turns her gaze to glare at me. “Did you know about this?”


“Maybe?” I confess sheepishly and hiss when she smacks my upper arm with the back of her hand.

“Maybe? He’s joined in!” Wyatt cackles, flopping down on the sofa, grinning wolfishly at me while I gesture for him to shut up. “The pot is currently at two g’s.”

“You have got to be kidding me?!”

I shrug defencelessly, “What? If you can’t beat them Tinks, join them.” I had a feeling going in that that was the wrong thing to say because the glare of piercing daggers Mira fixed me with was so lethal that if looks could kill, I would have been one with the earth.

“How long did you bet on?” She questions, her fiery gaze on my own, one perfect shaped brow raised which inadvertently stirs up something in my nether region.

“A week.” Mira’s eyes bulge, and her mouth drops open as she gapes at me with a mixture of disbelief and annoyance.

“A week?!” She almost shrieks and takes a step closer to me, her finger pointing in my face. “I swear to God Devin King, if you are deliberately screwing with me so we stay cuffed together just so you can win this stupid bet, I will hang you on the wall of your office like the damn Mona Lisa by those precious balls of yours.”

I wince inwardly at her threat. I know she’s kidding, sort of, but that still makes my gonads want to jump back up into my body. “Now, honey, I know you have a soft spot for my boys. There’s a time and place for that kind of talk, and while I love it when you get all rough and dirty, we’re with company. I’m sure our friends don’t want to hear about our freaky foreplay.” I tease her with a grin, grasping her face playfully between my fingers and squeeze until she groans and slaps my hand away, still scowling at me.

Fuck me. She’s sexy when she’s angry.

“Do you see what I have to put up with?” Mira complains to the room. “He’s like this twenty-four-seven, and I don’t know how much more I can take before I snap and gnaw my way out of these handcuffs for a moments peace.”

“I resent that.” I carp, poking her side.

“Shut up.” Mira retorts hotly, shoving me away but fails when I don’t even budge. She huffs and turns to look at the other three in the room, “Someone pour the wine before I put his oversized head through something.”

The others laugh out loud, watching our entire exchange. “Is she always this violent?” I laugh when she elbows me in the ribs when I rest my arm atop her head.

“No, I haven’t seen her this worked up since—well, since we were in school, actually,” Lexi replies, sitting beside Wyatt, who nods in agreement.

“I think you just bring out the feral betch in her,” Wyatt states, earning himself a scornful look from Mira, and he shrugs. “What? He does! You’re usually docile and chill, but peach you’re like a ticking time bomb that’s about to go off.” He adds, then looks at me and wrinkles his nose in distaste. “Never thought these beautiful lips would utter these words, but you don’t look much better, Adonis. You both look like hot shit.”

“Oh gee, you think?” Mira snarls with a roll of her eyes. “Maybe it's because we’ve not showered nor changed our clothes for two straight days.”

I groan, “I miss showering.” I nudge her with my elbow. “I need to shower.”

Mira’s eyes sweep over me, and her cute button nose crinkles a little. “No shit, sherlock.” When I give her a knowing look, she blanches. “Have you lost your damned mind? I am not showering with you.”

“Why not? We used to take baths together all the time growing up.” I tell her flatly, and she blinks up at me.

“Yes, when we were kids. That doesn’t count, I didn’t have boobs then.”

“You still don’t.” I joke, and she gasps affronted.

“Yeah, well, you’ve not grown much either.” She retorts, her eyes lowering to my crotch then back up at me again.

“Oh, you rotten little liar. How would you know unless you’ve been peeking?” I question challengingly, and she shakes her head.

“A girl knows.”

I chuckle, “Does she now? Want me to whip it out and prove you wrong, Tinks.”