Page 47 of Cuffed By Love

Yowch.My whole body was aching like a bitch. Like I had just gone twelve rounds in the ring with Mike Tyson, the king of boxing. Or perhaps I got hit by a freight train or some bollocks because it bloody hurt. My heart was drumming in my ears and each breath I took was like my lungs were about to burst into flames. “Dev?! Hey, can you hear me?”

Ah Mira. My Tinks. Hearing her voice immediately appeases me. You know what doesn’t? The way she’s tapping my cheek to bring me back into consciousness. I peel my eyes open and blink a couple times till my vision clears and her beautiful face comes into focus. I stare up at her while she gazes down at me, concern radiating in her golden eyes. “Tinks?”

“Dev, are you okay?”

“I’m sprawled out on the floor, what do you think?” I groan grumpily and she smiles a little, waving her purse in my face, attempting to cool me down. I can see the mirth dancing away in her eyes, her plump lips twitching whilst she struggles to fight the urge to laugh. “I’ve made a mental note to not take your threats lightly from now on.”

“What did I do?” She protests, her eyes growing wide at the unjust remark. “You hit your arse on your own and took me down with you.”

“Uh yes I did, because you forced me into climbing up twenty flights of stairs! You damn near killed me, woman.” Mira can’t contain her laughter any longer, the sweetest laugh ever escapes her and it was like music to my ears. She still laughs the same way she did when we were younger and I fucking love that. I’ve truly missed hearing it. She continues to fan me with her purse, still laughing sidesplittingly. I sit upright and watch her disgruntled.

“I’m sorry, it’s just the way you hit the floor.” She hoots, “I literally thought you went and dropped dead on me.” I shake my head and suppress the smile I feel coming. Her laugh is infectious and it’s so fucking hard to stay pissed at her when she’s laughing beautifully with her cheeks all rosy and eyes glowing with jollity. Oh but revenge is a dish I just love to serve up cold, and I have every intention of getting her back for this.

“You laugh it up Tinks, laugh it up.” I grumble pushing myself up to my feet and dusting the dirt off my trousers. The muscles in my legs protest, they quiver and ache when I stand at my full height. How does she do this every goddamn day? It’s torture, absolute bloody torture and I work out religiously. I run at least 5k daily but climbing up twenty flights of stairs is preposterous. Nope, never again. “I’ll get you back for this, just you wait.” I groan looking up at the last two flights of stairs.

“For what? I didn’t do anything?!” Mira sputters following me when I pull her up the steps to keep up with me.

“Oh really? Let’s analyse this little situation, shall we? If it weren’t for you insisting on us taking the stairs I wouldn’t have hyperventilated and almost died. No, I would have been sitting in my comfortable chair, in my air conditioned office ten minutes ago sipping my second cup of coffee while going through my agenda with Mark. Alas, here I am, sweating like a pig, trodding up twenty flights of stairs first thing in the bloody morning.” I affirm vehemently and stop midway up the final flight of stairs to our floor when I hear her sniggering behind me. “And you’re still laughing!”

“Of course I am! Have you heard yourself?” She giggles. “Could you be anymore melodramatic? Almost died? I don’t think I have ever heard of anyone dying from hyperventilation, you big baby.”

I turn and fix her with a scornful glare, “I passed the hell out, Tinks. I would hardly deem that an exaggeration.”

“You were out for less than a minute, you goof.” Mira expresses with a wide grin. When I wordlessly turn to walk toward the door into our floor she grasps my arm and pulls me back. “Wait, hey, I’m sorry. You’re absolutely right, I’m being insensitive. Let me see,” I observe her closely when she steps closer and reaches up to place the back of her fingers against my forehead, then against my right cheek. Her eyes lift to mine and I hold her gaze fixedly. The sun shining through the window catches her eyes perfectly and they glow like a pot of the richest, finest gold, enthralling me to the very core until everything around me vanishes and all I can focus on is her.

Why is my heart beating so fast? I have the strongest urge to lean in to her touch which sends a current of ineffable calefaction pulsing over me. Why oh why can’t I control myself around this girl. Every rational thought and good sense goes flying right out the window when she’s close to me. How does one forget how to breathe for goodness sake? Her touch, even though meek feels good—too good and I crave more of it and not just on my face, I want that spine-tingling sensation her touch is leaving against my skin to consume me from head to toe. “You feel warm. Are you still feeling faint?”

Warm? I was burning inside. I lean down close to her face and smile cordially, “If I said yes would you take me into your loving embrace and nurse me back to health?” I murmur.

Mira’s mouth quirks in amusement, she holds my gaze and licks her soft pink lips enticingly, while tilting her head to the side and observing me closely before she speaks. “No, however, I will make good on my promise before and kick your arse down these stairs?”

I laugh when she shoves me back a little. “Your bedside manner needs work, Tinks.”

Mira rolls her eyes and walks around me toward the door to our office floor. “So does your banter or should I say lack there of?”

“Ouch, that bit. Hitting below the belt now are we?” I retort placing my palm against my chest mockingly with a grin. Mira suddenly halts in the middle of the office when all eyes turn and look at us. I fight off the urge to laugh when she turns her startled gaze to look up at me.

“It’s only nine o’clock and I already want to put your head through a wall. Molly!” Mira snaps and jumps when her assistant pops up behind her with two cups off coffee grasped in her hands.

“Right here,” She beams brightly and holds out the steaming cups of coffee. “Good Morning Mira, Mr King.”

Mira takes her cup and sighs gratefully, “Oh, yes, exactly what I needed. Thank you, Molly.”

“Wow, she’s good.” I compliment her with a wink as I reach for my cup of coffee and she flushes bright pink which makes the freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks more prominent. “Might have to poach her from you.” I tease, leaning in closer to Mira who nudges me away with her shoulder.

“Anything else you’d like to steal from me? A limb? Or a kidney perhaps?” She throws back scathingly and I grin toothily and sip my coffee.

“Nah, Molly will do for now.” I moan at the delicious taste of my coffee while Mira sips hers and almost chokes.

“Ugh! Molly, what in the name of all that is holy is this you’ve made me drink?” She questions with a shudder. “What is this crap, recycled sewage water?” Molly looks between our cups and her eyes grow wide in alarm.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, I seem to have gotten the drinks mixed up. That’s Mr King’s triple shot americano and he has your latte.” She quickly explains apologetically while Mira stares at the cup in my hand. “I’ll go and get you another one. I’m sorry. I’ll be back in a flash.” She says and scampers off, disappearing out of sight quicker than I can blink.

I take a long sip and watch Mira amusedly over the rim of the cup, deliberately making appreciative noises everytime I take a sip from her coffee, “This is good stuff. Me likey.”

Mira exhales deeply, tossing the americano that was meant for me in the bin as we pass by, “Of course you do, anything would taste good when compared to that bitter crap you drink.”

“It’s roasted Hawaiian Kona beans. It’s an acquired taste, only those that are true coffee enthusiasts would appreciate the quality of a good Hawaiian blend coffee. You wouldn’t understand, Shortcake.”