“Now you’re free, can you please help me release my foot? I can’t feel my fucking toes,” Devin complains again, and I nod and tie my hair back before I hesitantly lean over to feel for the button on the side of the seat. I finally find it, and the seat moves back, freeing Devin’s foot. While I sit up, he slides into the passenger seat and rubs his leg, shaking his foot to get the blood circulating again.
I yank the door shut and pull the seat forward again so I can drive. My feet only just reach the pedals, and I can barely see over the dashboard. Devin notices me chewing nervously on my lip and sighs. “What’s with the face, Tinks?”
“We may have a problem.”
“What problem?” Devin groans.
“I can’t really see over the dash, and my feet are only just touching the pedals.” Devin looks at me in silence for a long moment and exhales.
“And you used to get mad at me when I called you Tiny Tinks.”
“I am not Tiny!” I snap stormily, and Devin smirks back at me, which only angers me more. Screw him. I can drive this Tonka truck he calls a car. I got this no problem. “How do you start this fucking thing?” I grumble, looking for the ignition and watch when he reaches over and lifts a lever and flicks a switch and the car roars to life. “Okay, that’s pretty cool,” I admit, and Devin smiles, leaning back in the seat and pulls his seat belt on.
“Get a move on, Tiny Ti—” I send him a withering glare, and he chuckles. Reaching over, he squeezes my cheek lovingly. “Can we go, please?” I bat his hand away and shift into drive and reverse out of the parking bay, careful not to hit anything. Once we pull out of the car park, I drive rather nervously at ten miles per hour, and I hear Devin muttering under his breath while shaking his head. “At this rate, I’m predicting we’ll get home tomorrow morning.”
“Shut up, do you want me to crash? I can’t see, and I’m driving with my toes over here.” I state, glaring at him, and he looks over at me. I can see he’s resisting the urge to laugh. “I told you I can’t drive this thing, but you insisted, so now you can sit there and lump it, all right, King.”
“Might as well listen to some tunes then, Tinks. Considering we’re going to be here a while,” Devin teases with an over-exaggerated sigh while he fiddles with the stereo, to which I respond with a playful punch to his arm. “Stop abusing me,” Devin grouses while rubbing his arm. I roll my eyes and concentrate on not hitting anything or killing anyone—other than Devin that is, because I can almost guarantee that I will no doubt kill him before we get these handcuffs off.
“Bloody London traffic.” I huff, annoyed as we roll along at a snail's pace.
“Ah, I know what will cheer up my Tinks.”
Did he just call me his Tinks?
Oh my God. I look over at him, and he turns the volume up when ‘Freed From Desire’ by Gala starts playing. This was our song when we were younger. We even did this ridiculous dance to it. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop smiling when Devin looks at me with brows raised. “Oh, you know it’s coming. I can see it on your face. It’s coming.” I couldn’t contain my laugh when he looks at me with the goofiest grin on his face and starts shaking his shoulders while wagging his brows at me. Devin laughs when I do it back to him. “There it is! Take it away, Tinks.” I sing and dance along to the song, and Dev watches me, singing along with me.
We were stuck in a standstill traffic jam and going absolutely nowhere due to an accident. “Oh wait, I’ve got one for you.” I take his phone and cue up the song. I turn the volume up and watch his reaction when Freak Me by Another Level starts to play. Devin throws his head back and laughs with gusto. “Ahh, I know you remember this one.”
“Oh man, this was my jam back in the day.” He chuckles, looking over at me while I laugh hysterically, remembering how fly he thought he was singing this song.
“Yeah, I remember. You thought you were a real ladies man with your skinny little self.” I tease him, and he grins, reaching over to poke me.
“I was lean, not skinny, Shortcake.” I giggle and smack his hand away. “And don’t act like you never loved it when I sang this to you.”
I snort. “I didn’t.” I refute, and he gives me a pointed look.
“You dirty little liar. You would go beet-red, and you know it.” I laugh, shaking my head. I totally did—but I was not about to admit that to him. “All right, I bet you I can make you blush just like I did back then.”
Oh crap. “Devin, come on, we were kids.”
“Then what are you afraid of, Tinks? That I might be right?” Devin licks his lips and stares at me knowingly, and the stubborn girl deep inside doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right.
I clear my throat. “Name your terms,” Devin smirks and narrows his eyes thoughtfully for a moment.
“If I succeed, you sing for me.” My smile falters, and I bite my lip. The last time I sang to anyone was a while ago. He’s not going to affect me, so I nod in agreement. Devin smiles, biting down on his bottom lip while he watches me. “Your terms.”
“If you fail, you stop fighting me on this handcuff thing, and you play nice, so we can get it off asap.”
“You got a deal.” We stare at one another, and Devin replays the song and leans in close to me. My heart jumps up to my throat when he reaches up and grasps my chin between his thumb and forefinger. Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? Devin licks his lips, his eyes rake over my face before they flicker up to my eyes again, “Let me lick you up and down till you say stop.” Devin sings, his eyes staring into mine. “Let me play with your body, baby…” He lowers his eyes to my lips while he drags his thumb lightly along my bottom lip. “Make you real hot.” I resist the urge to close my eyes when his lips ghost over mine as he sings. “Let me do all the things you want me to do.”
Ahh shit, I feel a liquid heat rush right through me when I feel his breath on mine. Devin's lips brush along my jaw straight to my ear. “Cause tonight, baby, I want to get freaky with you.” He groans deeply in my ear. “I want to lick you up and down.” My eyes close when he trails his nose down the length of my neck. “I want to make your body drip…” I swallow hard when he presses his forehead to mine, his long fingers brushing my hair away from my face. “Come on, let me take a sip,” Devin whispers, and I was gone. I fell down the rabbit hole. We were both utterly lost in the moment, sucked in a sexual stupor. Our lips so close, I could taste his breath, and I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on mine. I wonder if he still kisses with the same need and tenderness. Does he still taste the same?
The scent of his aftershave wafts around me, making my head spin. Every time he uttered the word ‘baby’, my vagina clenched, and I’m not proud of it, but I could feel myself getting moist. Don’t judge me. It’s been a while since I’ve had any action, and it’s totally normal to feel…things.
I get sudden flashes of the night we spent together, the very night we gave in to our desires and became one another's. In my head, I hear the sound of his voice whispering, “Say you want to be mine.” And my heart still skips a beat whenever I think about that moment like it did that very night. Our hands cuffed together were resting on the middle panel between us, and Devin's fingers played with mine.
Neither of us makes any move to pull away. Devin’s fingers tangle in my hair, his nose nuzzles mine softly, and a loud honking of a horn yanks us both back to reality. Our eyes open, and we quickly pull apart, averting our gazes. The traffic was starting to move, so I quickly shift into gear and drive. When I pluck up the courage, I glance over at Devin, and he looks at me simultaneously. His lips curl into a satisfied smirk that clearly says ‘I win’, and I groan inwardly.