“I’m fine.”
After my mother gushes over how handsome I look, she snaps photos of us, and we finally leave the house. She insisted on taking pictures of Skylar and me together, but I outright refused. That is not a memory I would like to keep.
I see the white limo we hired pull up outside Mira’s place as we walk over to her door. The door opens, and Auntie Kate grins when she sees us standing at the door. “I will. I will, I promise. I’ll send it over as soon as I do. Okay, bye.” She says in a flurry to whoever was on the other line and places her hand on her chest while she looks me over. “Oh, Devin, you look so handsome. That was your mother, by the way. She wants a Dev and Tinks prom picture.”
Despite my bad mood, I smile and nod. Auntie Kate kisses my cheek, her eyes welling up. “I can’t believe how big you kids have gotten. It feels like just yesterday you and Mimi were running around chasing each other all over the house.”
“It was. She stole my last cookie.” I tease, and she laughs, drying her eyes with her fingers. I wave at Uncle Noah when he comes strolling over through the kitchen. “Girls, the boys are here!” Mira’s mother calls out to them. I look over at Logan, and he catches the meaning behind my gaze and squeezes my shoulder supportively. Lexi was the first to come down the stairs. Her hair in loose waves, and she was wearing a black, strapless sparkly dress with a slit in the front.
“Fuck.” I hear Logan whisper while he watches her in awe. He walks over to her, and she smiles up at him coyly, her cheeks turning pink when he hands her the corsage. After Lexi, Skylar followed in a red two-piece dress that revealed more than it concealed. I force a smile on my face and take a step toward her when she reaches the bottom of the steps. I hand her the corsage, and she beams up at me.
“You look beautiful, Sky,” I tell her. Skylar reaches up to straighten my bowtie, her eyes staring into mine.
“Thank you. You’re not looking so bad yourself, handsome.” She purrs, batting her fake lashes at me. Aunt Kate’s sudden gasp makes me turn, and when I follow her gaze to the top of the stairs, I feel the very air leaving my lungs, and I momentarily forget how to breathe. Mira comes gliding down the stairs looking like an angel in a long glittery white gown. Her usual wavy hair swept up in half up and half down style. Unlike Skylar, she had the barest of makeup on. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Why is my heart beating so damn fast?
“Wow,” I whisper under my breath, watching her fixedly. I was, in every sense of the word…enthralled. I don’t even think I was blinking. Mira’s eyes find mine, and she smiles timidly.
“Got something to say, King?” She teases, raising a brow, and I grin at her.
“All out of words, Tinks.” I take her hand and press a kiss over her knuckles, my eyes on hers. Mira’s grin matches mine. That was our little secret language. My way of telling her she looks un-fucking-real. Our little moment is interrupted by her mother’s weeping.
“Oh my baby. You look sensational, honey.” Mira hugs her mother. “Noah, can you believe this is our little Mimi? Look at her.”
Uncle Noah beams proudly at his youngest daughter, takes her face in his large hands, and kisses her forehead affectionately. “Slow down with the growing up, sweetheart. I’m still getting used to your sister turning eighteen. My heart can’t take it.” Mira smiles lovingly up at her dad.
“Can’t make any promises, Daddy.” Uncle Noah chuckles and sighs before he looks over at me. “Dev, you’ll keep an eye on my baby girl?”
I smile when Mira rolls her eyes, exasperated. “Always.”
“Oh, pictures!” Aunt Kate pipes up all of a sudden. “Come on, you two.” She holds up her phone, and I step closer to Mira. Her hand slips into mine while my other wraps around her waist, drawing her closer. Mira’s other hand drapes over my shoulder, and we smile at the camera.
“Wait, where is Ryan?” Skylar asks, looking around for Mira’s date. Mira pulls away from me, and her eyes dart around, her brows draw together. And there's that moment I was dreading, her beautiful smile fades away, and the guilt I felt earlier comes back in full force.
“He’s not here?” Mira asks, turning to look at her friends, and they shake their heads slowly. “He should have been here by now. Let me call him.” While Mira takes out her phone, I look at Logan, who winces while watching me. “He cut me off,” Mira utters, staring at the phone, her shoulders sagging as the realisation that she’s been stood up hits her. “I don’t think he’s coming.”
“Oh Mira, he might be on his way. We’ll wait for him. I’m sure he’s coming.” Lexi assures, rushing over to Mira’s side and wrapping an arm around her shoulders while she stares down at her phone. Skylar goes over to Mira also and rubs her arm supportively.
“Lex is right, Mira. I’m sure he’ll show up, babe. He was so excited to be going with you.” Skylar assures her.
“Honey, are you sure he was meeting you here? Maybe he’s waiting for you at the venue?” Mira’s mother questions, but she shakes her head and sighs. I press my molars together so hard my jaw starts to ache. I can’t stand the look on her face. I honestly want to go over and beat the ever-living shit out of Ryan all over again.
“No, he said he would pick me up from here. He’s not coming. It’s obvious he stood me up.” Mira shakes loose from her friends hold. “Don’t bother waiting. You guys go.” She utters woefully and turns to go upstairs.
“Mira, come on, you can’t miss your prom because of a stupid boy.” Lexi tries to convince her, but Mira silently shakes her head. “It’s his loss, babe. You don’t need him. We’ll have fun all together.”
“Sweetheart, your friends are all going to be there with you. Lexi is right. Just go and have fun.” Aunt Kate reassures her, but Mira stubbornly shakes her head and pulls her dress up a little to climb up the steps.
“I’m not going to prom on my own. You guys go. I’m not in the mood anymore.” I catch her hand before she can go up the first step.
“You’re not going on your own. You’re coming with me.” I tell her, and she slowly turns her head to look back at me.
“I’m not going, Dev.” She retorts firmly. The misery in her eyes pained me, so I shrug, unbuttoning my jacket.
“Then neither am I,” I say, and Mira stares at me, her lips parted. Skylar looks at me, surprised, then turns her gaze to the rest.
“Guys, come on. This is the last time we’ll get to all be together before we start college.” Lexi states and checks her phone. “Wy is asking where we are.” She adds and sends a pleading look to Mira.
“I’m not going without you,” I tell her solemnly. Reaching over, I take her hand in mine, my thumb brushing over her knuckles. “Are we going, or are we staying?” Mira stares into my eyes, chewing on her bottom lip.