Dr Richards nods and takes her seat at her desk, “You’ll be surprised how many faces I see resembling yours on the daily, Rein. I’ve learnt over the years not to take it personally.” She jests, no doubt trying to palliate my apparent nerves. She laces her fingers together and rests them atop her light grey desk while she regards me attentively. “Just try to relax sweetheart. We’re going to do some routine tests and then we’ll have a little look around your belly with a sonogram to make sure everything is okay with the baby.”

I blink and look over at Paris, she takes my hand again and nods encouragingly. “Uhm, okay.”

“Great,” she chirps and hands me a little cup. “I’ll need a urine sample.”

Kill me now.

The routine tests took a little over twenty minutes, only to confirm what I deep down already knew but wasn’t quite ready to admit to myself.

I’m pregnant.

“This will feel a little cold and uncomfortable, just try to relax your legs for me, sweetheart.” I lay on the treatment bed and fix my gaze up to the ceiling while she slowly inserts the long probe inside me. I immediately tense up and grip the side of the bed.

“Wait, is that hurting her?” Paris questions moving to my side when she notices me stiffen visibly.

“No, it can feel a little uncomfortable but because you’re in the early stages of pregnancy the foetus is too small to show up through the abdomen. This way we can hear the heartbeat and check to make sure everything is normal.”

While I’m desperately trying to relax, and not freak out the sound of a heartbeat starts echoing in the room. “There it is, the world’s most beautiful sound.” Dr Richards smiles.

“Oh my God, Rei Rei. Do you hear that? That’s your baby. Look at that.”

I lower my gaze to the monitor beside me and stare at the tiny blob on the screen floating around inside of me. “That’s your beautiful little nugget.”

My eyes well up, blurring my vision briefly. That blob has a soul and a tiny heart. It’s so surreal, but looking at that monitor, my fear and apprehensions suddenly become inconsequential and the only thing that matters is that innocent baby.

My baby.

* * *

“Well,some adventure this turned out to be, huh?” I state gloomily while Paris and I stand in the middle of the busy airport. “I came here with such high hopes and expectations, P. This was supposed to be my journey to discover and make something of myself. But as it t turns out I’m just as much a disappointment to my family as my mother was.”

“Rein, you are not a disappointment.” Paris refutes, her brows knitting together while she regards me seriously. “You know I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. This is the path life has chosen for you. Besides who fucking says you can’t have a child and still pursue your dreams? Women all around the world do it every day. It’s going to be hard, but if anyone can do it babe, it’s you. Mark my words, you’re going to be the next big artist and a kickass mother to my Goddaughter.” She expresses with a warm smile.

“Oh, so you already decided it’s going to be a girl?”

“Of course! And she’s going to be spoiled rotten by her aunt Paris. I’m talking couture galore.” I playfully roll my eyes. “Can you picture how beautiful she’s going to be? I mean her father is practically a Greek God walking among us fugly suckers and with your stunning Hispanic features, she’s going to be a looker.”

For the first time in two weeks, I manage a smile. “What am I going to do without you?”

“Without me? Bitch tits, you may be moving a couple thousand miles away, but this isn’t goodbye. I’m going to fly out to London so often you’ll be sick of me.”

My eyes well up, “You promise?”

Paris smiles brightly and holds her pinkie out to me, “I sister swear.” I hook my pinkie with hers and we bring our clasped hands to our lips and kiss on it.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” I cry pulling her in for an embrace. “Meeting you was the best part of this whole misadventure.”

Paris tightens her arms around me and sniffles, “Thank you for coming into my life. I’m going to miss you so fucking much, bitch.” We pull apart and she wipes away my tears with her thumbs. “Prepare yourself for constant facetime calls at all hours.”

I nod and take hold of her hands. “You better take care of yourself. Don’t you go getting yourself into trouble, all right?”

Paris nods, flashing me a watery smile when I step away. “I won’t, I promise.”

I hate saying goodbye to people I care about. I honestly can’t imagine my life without Paris. She’s been by my side with every hurdle and a part of me wishes I didn’t have to go but staying in Chicago just isn’t an option.

“Good. Love you forever, bitch tits.”

“Love you always, sugar tits.”