Six weeks later.
“Snowflake!Why is my son in a dress?!” Talon hollers when he sees his baby boy laying on the bed clad in a white frilly dress. He carefully scoops Tayler off the bed and holds him up in the air, his eyes raking over the outfit outfit, his nose crinkles in distaste. “Who did this to you? It was your auntie Paris, wasn’t it?” he questions scowling and Tayler blinks his identical blue eyes back at his father and smiles.
“Excuse you, but why am I always getting the blame around here?” Paris chides back, crossing her arms over her chest and glowering at Talon.
“Could it be because you suggested we pierce his ears?” He throws back with a scowl. Paris rolls her eyes and throws her hands in the air.
“To accentuate his gorgeous features. Also, accessories are what make the outfit, which you would know zilch about by the way, Professor hottie. Where did you buy that suit, Salvation Army?” Paris sneers giving him the once over and Talon glares back at her looking less than enthused.
“Stop calling me that and this suit is from Dior.”
Paris shakes her head and snorts, “Yeah, two seasons ago.”
“When are you leaving again?” Talon snipes back at her irritably while rocking Tayler back and forth in his arms when he starts to fuss. “Even the baby is sick of you.”
“Awe shucks, I hate to be the one to burst your bubble Professor, but you can count on me being around for many, many years to come,” Paris states filing her nails and smirking at him smugly. “I am the maid of honour at your wedding after all.” Talon narrows his eyes at her and she grins, “Careful now I talked your girl into forgiving you, I can also talk her out of marrying you.”
Talon shifts the baby from one arm to the other and laughs, “I would love to see you try.”
Paris grins at him toothily and takes the baby from his hold, Talon shakes his head with a smile and straightens out the creases on his suit jacket.
“Will the pair of you quit it with the bickering?” Rein scolds them walking into the living room pining in her earrings. “Or do I need to put you both on a time out?” she warns playfully, raising a brow.
Talon’s blue eyes light up when he sees his fiancée walk into the living room wearing an elegant white dress that hugs her delectable curves perfectly. He lets his eyes fervently roam over the length of her. Rein’s long dark hair is curled and flowing loosely down her smooth tan back.
“Goddamn, Snowflake.” Rein blushes under Talon’s intent stare and smiles impishly up at him when he walks over to her licking his lips avidly.
“Right back at you, Professor.” Talon grins handsomely and wraps his arms around her waist, drawing her up against him.
“Here’s an idea, we’re already going to a church where there will be a priest; you’re dressed in white, I’m in a suit. I say make use of this opportunity and make it a double celebration. Christen the baby and get married. What do you say?”
Rein pushes up on her toes and curls her arms around her fiancé’s neck, smiling up at him fondly. “You know, Professor, that’s not a bad idea.” She purrs when he brushes his nose affectionately over hers, “Only snag is that my Grammy and your mother will disown us both if we take away their wedding.”
“Too damn right we will,” Elizabeth Saxton chirps walking into the living room in tow with her husband. “I’ve dreamt about this moment since I busted my cervix pushing your giant head out, you are not taking away the chance to see my only son getting married. You owe me.” She declares and grasps her son’s face and squeezes lovingly.
Talon groans and pulls his face out of her hold and rubs his bearded jaw, “Mum, please for the love of God don’t ever talk about your cervix again.” He complains.
Rein laughs and pulls away from Talon. “The cars are here; We need to go. Abuela, Tia, we need to go!” She calls out, taking her son from Paris. “Oh my goodness, don’t you look handsome?” she coos kissing his forehead.
Talon smiles and walks over to her, “Seriously, why is he in a dress? I thought he was wearing that adorable little suit we bought him?”
“This outfit has been in our family for generations. I wore it when I was baptised, so did my mother, my aunt, my grammy.”
Talon’s brows knit together, and he looks down at his son, “Snowflake, while I have endless respect for tradition. You do realise that you come from a long line of women, right? Tayler is a boy, the first in your family. Do you really want him to look at these photos when he’s older and be mortified?”
Rein chews her bottom lip contemplatively and shakes her head. “You might be right, maybe it’s time for a new tradition?”
Talon smiles and nods, “We can keep the dress for our daughter.” Rein looks up at him surprised. “What?”
“Our daughter?” she intones, smiling. “You’re already thinking of a second baby, Professor?”
Talon grins and glances around the living room, observing the family rushing around like headless chickens. “I’m thinking of a third and fourth, too.” He admits sheepishly and shrugs, taking hold of his son’s hand and gazing endearingly into Rein’s eyes. “I’ve always dreamt of having a big happy family.”
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll give birth to the first two and you can birth to the second lot?” Rein suggests and Talon throws his head back and laughs heartily.