I can honestly say hand on my heart I’ve never felt so complete in my life as I do right now.
My heart almost leaps out of my chest when I hear Rein softly calling out my name. I almost flew out of my seat but remember I’m holding the baby. Smiling, I stand up and move over to her bedside. “Hi, Snowflake.” I brush a kiss to her forehead, "It’s so good to those beautiful eyes of yours again.” Rein blinks up at me, clearly still disoriented with the medication.
“What happened?”
“I’ll explain everything, but right now there’s someone who is dying to meet you.” Rein looks at the baby and then turns her tired gaze to me. “Meet your son.”
“I… I had the baby?” she whimpers, her eyes filling with tears and I nod carefully placing the baby down into her arms. “Oh my God, hi baby,” she sobs pressing her lips to his forehead.
I brush away the tears that stream down my face while I observe her bonding with our son. Rein looks up at me and smiles lovingly, she lifts her hand to touch my cheek affectionately and I lean into her touch, my eyes never leaving hers. “I don’t want a life without you in it either, Professor.”
She did hear me.
My chest aches, but in the best possible way, I’m so damn happy I could literally burst. I wish I could explain the effect this beautiful girl has on me. “What are you doing for the rest of your life, Miss Valdez?”
Rein’s smile is brilliant, her eyes though tired gleam brighter than I’ve ever seen them, so bright it takes my breath away. I don’t know how she does it, but the girl almost died, and she still by some means manages to look stunning.
“I hope to share it with you, Professor.” She replies taking hold of our son’s hand and kissing it. “And our son.”
“We need to find a name for him.”
Rein looks down at him, licks her lips and smiles adoringly, “How about Tayler?”
I stare at her blankly for a long time. Did I just hear her correctly? “You want to name our son after my deceased fiancée?” I question incredulously and she shrugs. I press my fingers to her forehead, “Are you feeling delirious? I’m going to call the doctor.”
“Talon,” Rein wraps her fingers around my wrist stopping me, before I could move and sighs, “I’m not delirious. We wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for Taylor. She gave me a second chance at life and led us to one another. If it bothers you, we can pick another name, but I would like to name our son Tayler in honour of her.”
“It doesn’t bother me, but are you absolutely certain this is what you want?”
Rein nods and looks down at the baby sleeping peacefully in her arms. “Tayler Saxton,” she whispers and looks up at me again with a smile. “I really like it and one day when he’s older, we can tell him the story of how he got his name and about the woman that led his dad to me.”
Smiling, I brush a strand of her hair away from her face and gaze devotedly into those mesmerising eyes of hers, “Snowflake, Taylor played a very small part in bringing us together yes, but even if she were alive something tells me I would have eventually found you and still chose you, because you were my destiny.” I vow and lean in to brush a kiss on her lips. “And you’ll infinitely be my bittersweet love. Mi Luna.”
“Te quiero, Mi sol.”