“Carnations? Rein has clearly groomed you well.”

Talon licks his lips and smiles handsomely, “Actually, I mentioned that to him briefly three years ago when we met. I can’t believe you remembered.”

“I pay attention to things that matter. You’ll be surprised just how much information regarding you I’ve retained over the years, Snowflake,” I bite my lip and smile, I can feel my cheeks grow hot under his gaze.

“Ahem.” My aunt leans in close to my ear and clears her throat making me jump. “Hi, excuse my niece, her manners fell out of her head the moment you knocked on the door. I’m her auntie, Daniella Valdez.”

Talon chuckles amusedly and takes her offered hand. He hands her the bottle of wine and box of Belgian chocolates. “For you.”

Aunt Dani takes the chocolate and bottle of wine and gives him a nod of approval, “Wow, you are good.”

Talon averts his gaze to me and grins, “Rein spoke of you both with so much admiration it’s hard to forget. She mentioned you don’t favour flowers but can devour a box of Belgian chocolates and bottle of Merlot.”

“I’m liking you, Professor.”

Talon laughs and turns to face me fully, “Snowflake,” I admire the gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers and white roses and take them from him when he holds them out to me.

“They’re beautiful, thank you.” Talon smiles, flashing his perfect teeth and dimple before he leans in and brushes a kiss to my jaw.

“I’m going to ruin that red lipstick later.” He whispers in my ear just before he pulls back. Oh Lord, my face burns hot and I sneak a look at my Grammy watching us vigilantly.

“Tia, can you please take this into the kitchen for me. I’ll take Talon’s jacket and we’ll be right in.” I give her a pleading look and she understands and ushers my grandmother away to the kitchen to give us a moment alone.

Talon waits for my aunt and grandmother to be out of sight before wrapping his arm around my waist and drawing me against him. “You look beautiful.”

I gaze up into his eyes and sigh, “Thank you Talon, not just for the compliment but coming here in such short notice and remembering all those things I told you about my family. My grandmother isn’t usually this hostile, she’s got a heart of gold, but…”

Talon smiles lovingly and presses his forehead to mine, “Hey, it’s okay. It’s a small price to pay in the face of everything. Besides, it’s not like I don’t deserve it. I love you, Rein Valdez and that’s not going to change anytime soon.” He declares amiably and kisses the tip of my nose. “I also meant what I said about that lipstick.”

I giggle and hit his shoulder, “Behave yourself, my Grammy may be old, but both her hearing and vision will put both ours to shame.”

“Noted.” Talon presses a kiss to my temple. I close my eyes and bask in the feel of his lips on my flesh.

Twenty minutes later the four of us are sat at the dining table ready to eat. I wince when Talon lifts the spoon of gazpacho to his mouth. I’m not a fan of cold soup so I didn’t taste it. Oh crap, should I stop him? What if it tastes dreadful? Talon lifts his eyes to mine as he takes the first mouthful. The corner of his mouth lifts and he holds the soup in his mouth for a second, his brows crease and then he swallows and clears his throat.

“Rein, spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking this meal for you, buen provecho.” My grandmother informs him while she stirs the bowl of soup.

I close my eyes, silently praying the floor would open and swallow me whole right now. I cannot believe I let my Grammy talk me into this stupidity.

Talon dabs his mouth with the napkin and looks at me, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously. “You cooked for me?”

I shrug, grimacing, “Well, I tried.”

Talon nods and picks up the spoon and proceeds to eat the soup. My aunt watches him wolf down spoonfuls of it and lifts her own spoon to taste the soup herself. We all observe her face turn green. She makes a gagging noise from deep in her throat and almost chokes on the mouthful of soup. She presses her hand to her mouth coughing and sputtering. “Oh, sweet Jesus.” She utters and downs a glass of wine before she wipes her mouth with the napkin and shudders. “That must be what death tastes like.”

Talon finishes off his soup and takes a long sip of his wine and exhales. “I’ve had worse, my mother couldn’t cook to save her life either, least until recently. My father on the other hand was a great cook.” He explains tranquilly, holding my gaze from across the table. “Luckily I get my culinary skills from him,” he adds with a wink and I almost swoon.

How is it that one human being can look this gorgeous and still be so modest and respectful? Damn, it truly took every ounce of self-respect I had in me to not leap across the table and kiss him till my lungs cave in.

“So,” my Grammy sighs, leaning forward she laces her fingers together and regards Talon seriously. “Young man, it seems you’re well acquainted with us, but Rein has been very tight lipped about your past. I would like to know more about the man that singlehandedly wrecked my granddaughter’s life.”

Oh, fuck my life, here we go…

* * *

“You knowyou didn’t have to help me wash up.” I smile handing Talon a clean plate and he takes it from me and dries it with the dish cloth. “If I’m honest I wasn’t expecting you to make it this far into the evening.”

Talon sets the clean plate on the side and takes the next one from me, his brows drawn together slightly, a troubled look crosses his handsome features. “You still have reservations?”