I gasp and open my eyes. I see my aunt standing before me, a concerned look on her face. “Are you okay, you look like you’re hyperventilating?”

“Uhm, I’m…” I swing my legs and sit at the edge of the bed sucking in lungfuls of air. “Tia, have I changed?”

My aunt looks me over, “What do you mean?” she questions warily.

“Have I changed? Like my personality? Compared to how I was before the accident?” I ask turning to face her when she sits beside me.

“Well, yeah, I mean before you were all timid and pretty much kept to yourself. You had no interest in making friends or going out, but now you’re more outspoken and confident. You had a scandalous affair with your hot Professor, the old Rein would have never had the bravado to do something like that.”

She’s right, I wouldn’t have. And I most certainly wouldn’t have allowed him to finger me in public or do half the things he’s done to me. “Rein? Why do you ask? Is everything okay?”

I force a smile on my face and nod, “Everything is fine. I’m just nervous about Talon meeting Abuela.” My aunt smiles and tucks a strand of her hair behind my ear.

“It’s going to be fine, though you better warn him to expect the Spanish inquisition, because Abuela will undoubtedly give him a grilling the poor boy won’t ever forget.” I nod and pick up my phone to call him. “By the way, Abuela says you’re cooking.” I spin and look at her wide eyed.

“Say what now?” I intone.

Aunt D laughs and stands, “She’s putting him to the ultimate test. If your horrendous cooking and Abuela’s interrogating doesn’t chase that boy away, nothing will.”

With a groan I follow my aunt out of my bedroom. “Abuela!”

* * *

“Will you talk to her please?”I throw a beseeching look toward my aunt reading her magazine on the dining table while I attempt and fail miserably to cook. “I can just about boil water, what makes her think I can cook an entire meal on my own.” My aunt looks up from the magazine and shrugs.

“Honey, she doesn’t listen to me. I’m afraid to break it to you but you’re on your own.”

I look down at the pot of paella simmering away and lean in to smell it. I mean, it smells… edible. Stuff them both, I can follow a damn recipe. Determined I pick up my phone and check the next step.

I spent two hours cooking, I burnt my arm and almost clopped my finger off but I managed to prepare the meal without killing myself.

Two hours later the table is set with the seafood paella and gazpacho. We’re all dressed and anxiously waiting for Talon to arrive, which will be any minute. My Grammy watches me pacing back and forth checking the time every thirty seconds.

“Afraid he’s not going to come, mi hija?”

I stop mid-pace and look at her, “No, I’m not worried. Talon will never not show up, especially for me.”

“Then why are you anxious?” she questions crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing sceptically. “If you’re sure he will come you should not worry. I would be more troubled about him eating your food.”

I lean against the kitchen counter and sigh, “Do you really think he will have one taste of my cooking and go running for the hills? He’s not like that.”

Grammy leans forward and regards me seriously, “No, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If he truly loves you, even if the food in front of him is laced with poison he will eat every single bite, if he doesn’t then you’ll know.”

I sigh and resist the urge to roll my eyes in exasperation, what are we in the nineteen-fifties? “With all due respect Abuela, that tradition as about as old as you are. Women aren’t subject to spending hours on end in the kitchen cooking for their men, they cook for themselves now and we also have uber eats and ten other apps that will deliver whatever food you fancy right to your door.”

Speaking of the door, my heart leaps up to my throat when the doorbell chimes. I look at the time, seven-thirty on the dot. Staying true to his nature he is right on time. “Please be nice.” I request and she sighs getting up to her feet.

We walk to the front door together, I pull the door open and my heart almost bursts out of my chest when I see him standing there looking like every woman’s wet dream. Oh, holy enchilada, he is one fine specimen of a man. There he stood looking all kinds of delicious in all of his six foot something glory clad in a crisp white shirt, black jeans and a vintage tweed blazer holding two bouquets, a bottle of red wine and a box of chocolate.

“Hi,” I greet him, my eyes roaming over him like a love sick teen.

“Hi,” he smiles charmingly, his ocean blue eyes interlock with mine. My aunt elbows me in the back and clears her throat snapping me out of my trance.

“Come on in,” Talon smiles and steps into the house, if he was feeling nervous, he didn’t show it at all. He appears as he always does, confident and charismatic.

“Talon, I’d like you to officially meet my Grammy, Camilia Valdez. Abuela, meet Talon Saxton.” I introduce. My heart is hammering so hard against my chest I was sure it was about to give out on me at any given moment. Grammy eyes Talon intently, no smile, no emotion whatsoever. Talon however keeps his composure and smiles politely, holding out his hand to her.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Mrs Valdez, I’ve heard heaps about you from Rein.” Grammy eventually takes his hand and shakes it. “These are for you,” he hands her a bouquet of beautiful pink carnations—her favourite flowers. I remember mentioning it in passing once when we first met, and he remembered.