42 Hours before…
Quietly hummingthe tune of Bryan Adams’ ‘Everything I do’, I walk into the bedroom, a tray full of various breakfast items from croissants to Rein’s favourite cereal, some scrambled eggs on toast and freshly squeezed orange juice in my hands and smile when I see Rein still sleeping like the angel she is, cocooned in a line of pillows.
I wish I could let her sleep longer, but we have the antenatal class in a couple of hours and if what I read in the baby books is true it is vital for her and the birth that she attends every single class. I set the tray down on the bedside table and pick up the single long stem red rose I got for her and crawl up on the bed. I lightly brush the petals along the side of her gorgeous face, and she stirs from her sleep with a breathy moan. She drifts off to sleep again so I smirk and continue to brush the flower along her face until she eventually opens her eyes and blinks up at me. “Good morning, Snowflake,” I greet.
Still not fully awake, Rein stares at the red rose for a long time and then looks at me before the corners of her lips lift into a bright smile. “A rose, Professor?” she probes quietly, taking the rose from me and pressing it against her nose.
“And breakfast in bed.” I tell her, gesturing with my head to the tray of food sitting on my bedside table. “How did you sleep?”
Rein yawns and burrows her face into the pillow again, her eyes closing. “Like a dead log,” she sighs.
“Good. You needed it. I let you sleep for as long as I possibly could, but we need to get going if we’re going to make it to your antenatal class.” Rein groans in displeasure. It breaks my heart to see her so weary. I would happily have her get the rest her body clearly craves. “Snowflake, we can skip it if you’re not up for it? I’d much rather you get some sleep.”
Rein shakes her head and pushes herself up into a sitting position. “No, no, it’s fine. The sleep I did manage to get really helped, and I’d rather not miss anything vital that could potentially be helpful during the birth.”
I nod in understanding, brushing my fingers against the slightly over-grown stubble from lacking any or all motivation for shaving the last few days. I briefly wonder if now’s a good time to bring up my place and involvement during the whole birth. Would she want me in there with her? Perhaps inviting me along to the antenatal class is her way of suggesting it? As the father of the child, I’d surely have a right to be there, but if me being in the room will make Rein uncomfortable then of course I would respect her wishes and wait outside the delivery room. I would without a doubt love to be there to experience it with her and watch my child be born, however, ultimately as we are not together it is Rein’s decision.
“Okay, as long as you’re absolutely sure you’re up for it.” Rein nods and looks over at the tray sitting on the bedside table. “Wow, you really went all out. A simple toast and tea would have sufficed, Talon. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”
Smiling I stand and move over to get the tray. Rein’s eyes follow me while I move around the bed and pick it up before setting it on the bed in front of her, “A measly toast and tea will not suffice. How do you expect our son to grow and get all cute and chubby if all you’re feeding him is toast? You need to eat protein and lots of it.” I say handing her the plate of scrambled eggs.
Rein frowns staring down at the plate of eggs and raises a brow, “Talon I do eat, I’m just not big on having such a big breakfast. If I stuff myself with all that food, I will wind up suffering with heartburn the entire day.” Rein enlightens, reaching for the bowl of crunchy nut cereal. “But this golden bowl of goodness I will absolutely not say no to.”
I chuckle, amused by her enthusiasm and take a seat at the end of the bed, watching her devour the bowl of cereal while with each bite she blesses my ears with the most erotic moans of appreciation I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing.
I can feel my dick awakening in my dark blue adidas jogging bottoms. My eyes glued eagerly watching the way her soft full lips close around the spoon and she sucks it clean slowly.
Fucking hell Tal, you’re getting aroused watching her eat a bowl of fucking cereal. Get it to-fucking-gether, you absolute dipshit. I don’t avert my gaze when Rein’s eyes flitter up and she catches me watching at her.
The joy I’d have stripping her out of that dress shirt and sensually feeding her every item on that tray. “What?” Rein asks faintly, setting the spoon back in the bowl she licks her lips, her eyes searching mine.
“Nothing,” I answer, smirking. “Just thinking.”
Rein’s eyes narrow and she tilts her head to the left, her eyes wandering over my face before they leisurely lift to meet my eyes again. “About what?”
I wet my lips and lean in closer, lowering my gaze to look at her mouth. “How desperately I want to kiss you right now.” I admit gruffly, and she stares back at me stunned, her lips perfectly parted that it would be so easy for me to just lean in, close the space between us and tenderly brush those luscious lips apart and slowly sink my tongue into her mouth while expertly seeking out her own.
“Isn’t it such a pity that you can’t,” she counters coquettishly, biting down on her lower lip. The ember of desire that ignites deep in her eyes is too palpable to go unnoticed and fuck does that gratify me.
I know she still wants me just as much as I do her.
“Can’t I?” I whisper, inching closer, our eyes still interlocked.
“No,” she responds, swallowing thickly, her eyes staring into mine with such profundity that I momentarily lose all cognitive function.
“Why Snowflake? Afraid you won’t be able to get enough if you give in?” I coax, brushing my nose over hers. Rein’s eyes close, “I know you’ve not forgotten how remarkable it felt when we were together, because the mere thought alone of tasting you again makes me water at the mouth.” I admit with a guttural groan, my lips ghosting over hers. “What if I gave in to this all-consuming urge and kissed you right now?” I add, brushing my fingers affectionately along her jaw, our lips are practically touching, and it takes every fucking ounce of self-restraint to not kiss the air right out of her lungs. “Would you deny me?”
Rein lifts her hand and slowly drags her index finger along my jaw, which tightens and twitches under her touch. “Yes, I would.” I open my eyes and look at her when she draws back, “Because this time, I will not fall into your arms like I did before, Professor. If you want me like you claim to, you’re going to have to earn me and the privilege to kiss or taste any part of me.” Rein asserts boldly with a smirk.
Despite my greatest effort to keep my composure I couldn’t contain the grin, especially when an effervesce of elation ripples through me. This signifies that she’s considering forgiving me. “Good thing you’re worth waiting for then isn’t it, Miss Valdez, because I have no plans to be anywhere that doesn’t include you.” I declare earnestly and lean close to brush a lingering kiss on her jaw. “I’m going to shower, please eat your breakfast.” I request and she nods, her eyes follow me as I walk out of the bedroom. I crane my neck to glance back after I step out of the bedroom to ensure I’m out of her line of sight when I pump my fist triumphally in the air. “Fucking yes.” I want to scream at the top of my lungs. I’m so damn overjoyed and relieved that I don’t know what to do with myself. I just came one step closer to getting her back.
* * *
Ten minuteslater I wander out of the bathroom, towel hanging loosely around my hips. With all my excitement it slipped my mind to grab some clothes or even a pair of boxers and didn’t realise until I stepped out of the shower. Or as juvenile as it seems, maybe unconsciously I wanted to see her reaction to me being half naked. Though that thought comes to a screeching halt when I walk into the bedroom, and I find it empty.