Jeez, she’s bitchier than usual today. “No harm in trying something different now is there?” I reach over and place my hand on her stomach, and she lowers her gaze, staring at my hand. “If you can’t relax, how do you expect our son to?”

Rein presses her head back against the headrest while I rub her stomach. “I still think you’re wasting your time, but fine, have at it.”

“I wouldn’t consider a single moment spent with you a waste of time.”

The rest of the fifteen minute drive to my apartment is spent discussing baby names.

“What about James?” I suggest pulling into a parking bay in the underground car park.

Rein wrinkles her nose in distaste and shakes her head, “My ex was called James.”

My blood heats up at the mere mention of her ever being with another man before me or after me for that matter. “That’s a fuck no, then.”

Rein smirks and leans against the wall beside the elevator and yawns tiredly, she can barely keep her eyes open. I’ve seen her when she’s dog tired after working herself to the bone, but she’s never looked this fatigued before, so much that she can barely stand without leaning against something and it’s really concerning me. I observe her closely, her usually radiant eyes are rimmed red, her complexion ashen which makes the dark circles under eyes more prominent.

I move over to stand in front of her and she watches me, lifting her heavy eyes to peer up at me when I tower over her. I brush my fingers along her cheek, her eyes close and she instinctively leans into my touch.

“Rein, I’m not liking the look of you. You’re taking your medications and attending your regular check ups, aren’t you?”

Rein forces her eyes open and frowns a little, “I wouldn’t be standing here if I wasn’t Talon. It’s kind of difficult to forget to take your medication when your life literally depends on it. Your fiancée’s heart is safe, you don’t need to worry.” She retorts bitingly and pushes my hand away from her face.

I catch her wrist and draw her to me, scowling. “Stop that, I don’t give a toss whose heart is beating inside you as long as it’s beating, you hear me? My concern is for you and our son.”

Rein stares up at me imploringly. “We’re both fine. I’m just tired, that’s all, you don’t have to worry,”

“Well, I am worried. I think we should get you checked to be safe. You look frail Rein, especially for someone seven months pregnant.” Rein opens her mouth to respond, something snappy I’m sure, but the elevator’s bell interrupts her.

“You know what doesn’t help my tiredness, dragging me out at the arse crack of dawn.” She complains and brushes past me when I gesture for her to enter the elevator.

“Would you have been sleeping had I not?” I ask, raising my brows inquiringly. Rein averts her gaze to the doors when they close and presses her back against the back of the mirrored elevator wall.


“Sorry Snowflake, but perhaps doesn’t qualify as a yes, I’m afraid. I’d rather not toss and turn the entire night speculating whether you are getting the rest you clearly need.”

“Fine,” Rein concedes. “I’m curious to see what these tricks you claim to have are, even though I’ve tried every single solution presented to me under the sun.”

The elevator slows and then stops on the thirteenth floor. “Did you know it’s medically proven that you sleep better next to the person you love.” I inform her smirking, to which she responds with an exaggerated eye roll and an unlady-like snort.

“Funny that you think you’ll be sleeping next to me.” She throws back wryly giving me a side stare as we walk down the narrow corridor toward my apartment.

I lick my lips and lean in close so I could speak into her ear, deliberately brushing my lips against the shell of her ear. “Funny you didn’t refute that you love me.”

“I don’t,” she hastily affirms, lifting her head slightly to glare up at me.

“Words may lie, but actions will always speak the truth,” I counter, strolling past her to the door, sliding the key into the lock I have a sudden flash back of the night she almost had that accident with that douchebag Dean and I drove her home.

“One last time, I need to have you one last time…”

Fucking Christ, what I wouldn’t give to have those incredible moments with her again. I wasted so much time trying to talk myself into walking away from her. Like a mug failing to recognise what a good thing I had till I went and fucked it all up. I wish I could make her see that letting her go and staying away from her has been impossible for me.

In my heart, I know she’s the one, she always was, she always will be.

* * *

“Does that feel good?Are you feeling relaxed?” I murmur in her ear, and she nods slowly biting down on her bottom lip.

“Mhm, it actually feels really good.”

“Good,” I gently rub my hands over her stomach where my unborn son lay. “Now close your eyes and try to relax.”

Rein scowls at me and readjusts her head against the pillow. We are currently on my bed, I’m sitting upright with my back against the headboard and Rein is stretched out across the bed, a pillow under her belly for support and her head resting in my lap while I read Emily Bronte’s Withering Heights to her. It’s her favourite book.

My fingers idly comb through her hair, “Be with me always, take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this abyss where I cannot find you. Oh God, it is unutterable. I cannot live without my life. I cannot live without my soul…” I read and yawn before I glance down at her thirty minutes later and see she’s sound asleep.

I admire her sleeping for a while, despite my eyes growing heavier with every passing second, I want to soak up every waking moment of having her close, having her in my arms with her intoxicating scent surrounding me.

What must I do to get you to forgive me, Snowflake? How do I convince you that this is where you belong, where you both belong?I place my hand to her stomach and smile when I feel my son move inside her.

“How is it that I’ve not even met you yet, but my heart is bursting with love for you.” I whisper to my unborn son. “I can’t wait to meet you son, now be a good boy and let your mummy sleep because she really needs it, buddy.” My eyes slowly lift to her angelic face, and I smile, a heartfelt smile. For the first time in a very long time, I feel at peace, like I’m finally home. Everything I want and need is wrapped up in this beautiful woman sleeping in my arms and I’m going to do everything in my power to fix this because I don’t want to envision a life without her in it.