“Well, I’ll keep hold of that memory if I were you Professor, because the only sighs you’ll get to hear from me moving forward will be those of exasperation.” I inform him blatantly and he chuckles, amused.
“Those are just as desirable, Miss Valdez.”
This boy is incorrigible.
I groan inwardly, “I’m hanging up now.”
“Sweetest dreams, Snowflake.”
“I’ll have to somehow manage to fall asleep first in order to dream sweet, but thanks.” I utter bitterly, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What do you mean manage to fall asleep? Are you having trouble sleeping?”
I bite my lip, immediately regretting mentioning it to him, “No, I’m fine. Forget I said anything.”
“Rein...” Talon presses using that authoritative tone of his that without fail sends a shiver down my spine, even now. I know that tone all too well by now, arguing with him is futile.
“A little.” I fess up, toying with the corner of my duvet. “I can’t seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep where I’m used to sleeping on my stomach, but I’m fine, my midwife said it’s normal and I’ll eventually find a position I’m comfortable in, I just haven’t found it yet.”
“I see. Well, that would explain why you’ve been looking so run down and pale lately.”
I roll my eyes, “Gee thanks.” I retort dryly.
“Rein, this is serious. Your health isn’t a joke, pregnancy is tough enough on your body as it is, you need to rest. Sleep deprivation can lower your immune system which leaves you more susceptible to catching virus’. How do you expect to deliver our baby if you’re drained of energy?”
“It’s not like I’m fighting it, I want to sleep believe me. I just can’t get comfortable enough to actually fall asleep. I don’t know what kind of mischievous child you have planted inside of me because he refuses to settle at night. I can’t lay on my side because he kicks me all night long. I can’t lay on my back because apparently that can cut off the oxygen supply to the baby and cause still birth. I can’t fall asleep sitting upright because it hurts my back and neck; also the baby digs into my bladder. Do you see the dilemma I’m having here?” I fume.
Talon goes dead silent on the other end for a long time before he speaks, “Get dressed, I’m coming to pick you up.”
I scowl at the phone, “What? Why?”
“I’ll be there in fifteen,” he tells me and hangs up the phone.
“No. Talon, I—” I pull the phone from my ear when the line goes dead and stare at it dumbfounded.
Son of a…