

I thought havingRein thousands of miles away was hard but seeing her daily, having her within arm’s reach and not being able to touch her is fucking killing me.

I didn’t sleep a wink the night before. Our kiss though dishearteningly fleeting is all I can think about. You’d think after six months apart that magnetic force between us would have diminished, but the moment I lay my eyes on her I’m charged with that very familiar feeling of enthralment, just as I did the first day that I saw her. Just as captivating, if not more so.

And now she’s avoiding me. I’m truthfully at a loss. Where do I start to fix things between us? I want us to be a family, but if I know Rein, she’s not the type to forgive and forget so easily.

Well, much to her dismay when I told her, now that I’ve found her, I’m not letting her go. I’ve gotten a taste of what life feels like without her and I’m not the type to give up without a fight either, especially when I’m head over arse in love with her.

I’m going to win her back; I just need to figure out how.

The next day I’m up and ready at the arse crack of dawn, eagerly rushing to work, the thought of seeing Rein has my entire body thrumming with elation. I’ll even settle for a passing glimpse in the hallway if it means I get to see her.

Jeez, listen to me. I sound like a fucking simp.

By lunch time my good mood deflates when I see no sign of Rein anywhere. I know she’s around here; I’m still figuring out my way around the university and I don’t want to come off as a creep by probing around to get a copy of her class schedule.

Frustrated, I head back through the art department toward my office.

You want to play a game of cat and mouse, Snowflake? I’ll bite. I’ll chase you down relentlessly until you cave, and I know for damn sure you will, because you still love me as much as I love you and I’ll be damned if I let you slip through my fingers again.

* * *

The remainderof my day is deadening and by the time five o’clock rolls around I’m in an irritable mood, but I still have work to do.

I’ve spent the past two hours staring at the screen, my mind in a state of disarray and unable to focus on work, so with a sigh I slap my laptop shut and gather up the papers I have yet to grade before I leave for the day.

The school almost deafeningly silent as I exit my office. It’s late and everyone has retired to their homes or the university dorms. The only sound is the dull thudding of my black leather shoes on the polished wooden floor as I walk through the corridors toward the exit. I glance down at my phone, skimming through the notifications and various messages from JT and my mother, not paying attention to my surroundings until I walk straight into something or shall I say someone. Our heads collide rather hard.

“Ow.” My phone and laptop bag both hit the floor when my hand instinctively lifts to rub the throbbing ache on my forehead.

“Fuck.” I hiss shaking off the blow. Wait a minute, I recognise that voice. I open my eyes to see Rein also rubbing her temple. “Rein?” Her hand halts and her eyes slowly open and she peers up at me, scowling. Panic fills me when she sways on her feet, and I notice her temple is reddening. I take a step toward her and instinctively my hands cup her face so I can take a closer look at her head. “Shit, are you alright?” Rein says nothing, she only blinks up at me, her lips slightly parted. My eyes lower from her forehead to meet her startled gaze. “Say something, Snowflake.”

“Uh, I’m fine.”

“I didn’t think anyone else was here at this time. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, I’m so sorry. Does it hurt? Let me see.” I lift her chin to take a closer look.

Rein shakes her head and pulls her face out of my hold and shuffles away. “No, I mean, yeah a little, but I’ll live.”

I frown, “Rein, it’s all red, we should get some ice on it before it swells and starts to bruise.” I tell her but she shakes her head again and averts her gaze from mine.

“There’s no need, I almost cracked my skull open once, so this isn’t exactly the first time I’ve taken a knock to the head.” She states evenly and attempts to perch to pick up the papers that fell on the floor.

“Stop.” My hand darts out before I can stop myself, I curl my fingers around her wrist and stop her. Rein looks up at me quizzically. “Don’t even think about kneeling to pick those up. I’ve got it.” I can see she’s about to protest, so I fix her with a firm stare, and she straightens with a sigh and gestures to the mess on the floor.

“Be my guest.”

Our gazes remain affixed on one another as I kneel in front of her to retrieve the scattered papers off the floor. Shit, my throat goes bone dry and my mind blank.

Say something you moron, you wanted to see her, she’s standing right in front of you, don’t just stare at her like a pathetic mute, speak!

I clear my throat and break eye contact with her to focus on picking up the papers.

“What are you doing here so late?” I ask.

“I left an hour ago, but my car won’t start, so I’ve been waiting for the vehicle recovery to come and fix it.” She explains glancing down at her phone with a scowl.