* * *
Gosh,I love the smell of paint. I always have, however lately it’s like I can’t get enough of the stuff. I’m starting to worry I might be a little bit addicted to it.
“Piper, I’m loving the detail of the petals, but maybe try giving it a tiny bit more depth by shading the edges. It will make it stand out and appear more realistic.” I suggest moving to stand behind her and watch her paint for a couple of minutes.
I really miss painting, or even drawing but since everything fell apart, I’ve not been able to pick up a damn pencil and doodle let alone scrape together enough creativity to paint anything; which is a bummer because painting has always been my escape but now it’s nothing more than a harrowing reminder of everything I’ve lost.
“Miss Valdez?” A shudder sweeps through me causing me to start from my inner musings whenever I hear someone call me, Miss Valdez. “How’s that?”
Damn him and his sexy voice.
“See, it’s already looking better, keep up the great work.” Piper offers a grateful smile when I give her shoulder a gentle squeeze before I move to circulate the room.
Forty minutes later the bell rings announcing the end of class. “Great job today everyone, please ensure your stations are clean for the next class. A clean space is a safe place. I’ll see you all bright and early Wednesday.” I say gathering up my papers into a neat pile.
The classroom is empty minutes later and I sit by the window soaking up the peaceful silence, a half-eaten apple in one hand looking out at the courtyard scattered with students basking in the sunshine while they eat their lunch. Some in groups, others alone with a book eating a sandwich, and then you have the couples laying in the grass amorously wrapped up in one another.
Why is it everywhere I look lately all I see are couples all over one another?
When is it going to stop hurting? I’m desperately counting down the days to when I’ll go back to feeling like I did before I met him, before I knew what love was. Because I don’t know how much longer I can live with this crippling ache in my chest—which has only worsened since he decided to show up like a bolt out of the fucking blue.
Figments of the day before when his soft full lips tenderly swept across mine, momentarily hindering me breathless and the way the nerves in my stomach bunched up tight fills my mind, just like it did the first time we kissed.
After everything that’s happened between us, how is it that he still has the ability to invoke that electrifying thrill within me.
“Get out of my head.” I sigh woefully, pressing my forehead to the glass. I must stay resilient and appear impervious to him to protect myself. When I’m around him, it’s so easy to forget what I suffered. I can’t let myself go there with him. If he broke me once, he will again, and I don’t think my heart can take another hit.