‘He has a right to know.’

‘That’s none of your business.’ Abigail went to shut the door but overheard Albert comment, ‘Oh, but it is.’

‘What was that?’


She opened the door wide, leaning on the doorframe. ‘Is there something you want to tell me?’

He shook his head, avoiding her gaze.

‘THEN GO AWAY!’ Abigail slammed the door in his face. She sighed, expecting to burst into tears. That didn’t happen, thankfully. She knew the pregnancy had her hormones all over the place, and her emotions. ‘Oh, god!’ And her stomach.

She clasped her hand to her mouth and raced upstairs to the bathroom. Ulysses was hot on her heels. She almost tripped over the dog as she ran into the bathroom. Lifting the toilet lid, she retched into the bowl. There was nothing left to come up. She sat down on the cool, tiled floor, feeling exhausted.

Ulysses came over and sat down beside her, holding up a paw. ‘Oh, Ulysses, you are the sweetest thing, you know that?’

He whined.

‘I’m fine, really I am. Just you wait and see. In a few months’ time there’s going to be another little person to make our family of two a family of three, and he is going to love you just as much as I do.’ Abigail pulled Ulysses close and gave him a cuddle. She got her face licked. ‘Okay, no more doggy kisses, Ulysses.’

Abigail stood up, wiped her face with a flannel and flushed the toilet. ‘Come on.’ She walked into the bedroom and got dressed. She glanced outside and caught Albert getting in his old banger. Abigail stood staring at the car as it backed out of the driveway. She prayed he wasn’t on his way to Somerville Hall to tell Oliver just what she hadn’t had the guts to tell him herself.