Lili hadn’t said anything, but in all these weeks since Toby had died, she’d never seen Abigail cry – not once, not even at his funeral. Now, she’d done it twice in the space of a few minutes. She put her arm around her friend. Ulysses joined in too, waking up and scampering over Lili’s lap to sit next to Abigail and whine at her. He put a paw on her arm.
Abigail looked at Ulysses and sniffed. ‘I’m going to be okay, I promise. You’re going to have a new playmate soon, do you know that?’
Lili smiled. She didn’t want to ask Abigail how she felt, knowing that after all these years, she’d conceived naturally, only for her husband to have died before he even knew. She eyed the computer and turned to Abigail. ‘I think Toby was convinced you were going to have a baby.’
Abigail looked at the little dark-haired boy in the home movie. ‘I’m going to call him Albert. Bertie for short.’
Lili smiled. She didn’t know how Abigail knew for sure it would be a boy, but she hoped it was. It would be a sign. ‘Bertie. I think that’s just wonderful.’
Abigail turned to her friend. ‘I think so too.’
‘Will you stay here, in the cottage?’
‘I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.’
She glanced at the laptop. ‘So, what next? I’m guessing you want to find Toby’s relatives for your … son.’
‘What about meeting up with Ray again? You could show him the home movie and tell him your theories?’
Abigail turned to the movie. She’d watched it all the way through already. It was getting to the part where Toby and the nurse who had adopted him left the party early.
Despite getting into Toby’s AncestryDNA profile, she knew it wouldn’t tell her much unless someone whose DNA was a match with Toby’s had entered their details on the database. However, there was one way to circumvent all that business and just find out from the horse’s mouth the events surrounding Toby’s birth.
‘I think it’s time I went to see Joyce.’