Chapter 19

Lili stood on the pavement outside the house, wondering if she had the correct address. The taxi driver had dropped her off in a small crescent of detached properties in the leafy, well-to-do area of London called Muswell Hill. Hannah’s house was the third property along. Looking up at the gorgeous residence, Lili’s first impression was that her best friend had fallen on her feet.

As Lili stepped forward, the front door opened. It wasn’t Hannah, but Maisie. She came running out, flinging her arms around Lili’s waist, stopping her in her tracks. ‘Mummy told me you were coming to stay,’ she said excitedly. ‘I’ve missed you!’

Lili smiled. ‘Me too. Look what I’ve got!’

‘My Trunki!’ Maisie took the case, cradling it in her arms.

Lili looked up at the house. There was no sign of Hannah. ‘Where’s your mum?’

‘Oh, they’re all in the garden.’

Lili caught the frown on Maisie’s face. She frowned too, wondering if this was a bad time. ‘Has your mum got company?’

‘She’s always got company,’ Maisie said as they walked up the steps and through the door into the spacious entrance hallway of the Edwardian home. Lili could hear music and the chatter of conversation. It sounded like a party. Lili looked at Maisie. ‘Is your mum having a party?’

‘Yes, it’s an engagement party. Mummy has lots of friends.’

Lili felt offended that she hadn’t been invited. Looking around the interior of the property, she guessed an unemployed, single horticulturist of no fixed abode wouldn’t have much in common with Hannah’s new crowd. She imagined some of them were her neighbours who lived in her posh street of large, expensive houses.

Lili heard children’s laughter coming from the garden. She looked at Maisie, wondering why she wasn’t playing with the other children. ‘Have you made some new friends like Mummy?’

Maisie shook her head. ‘They don’t like me. They call me silly names behind the grown-ups’ backs.’

Lili was about to ask what sort of names when Maisie said, ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’


‘Do you want to see my room?’

Lili nodded.

Maisie left her suitcase in the hallway. ‘Let’s get some snacks first.’

Lili left her case by the front door and followed her into a spacious modern kitchen with shiny white cupboards, expensive oak worktops and a huge American-style fridge. There were platters of food laid out on the kitchen table. It surprised Lili to see catering staff preparing the fare and taking it out into a marquee in the garden.

Lili spotted Hannah as she walked towards the patio doors.

Hannah popped her head inside. ‘Lili, I’m so glad you’re here.’

Lili cast her gaze over Hannah’s shoulder at her acquaintances in the marquee; the women were adorned in designer gowns. Standing there in her jeans, sweatshirt, and white trainers, Lili felt not only under-dressed, but intimidated by Hannah’s new friends. Perhaps that was how Maisie felt too.

‘Maisie wants to show me her room.’

‘Okay. Come outside and join us afterwards, won’t you?’

Lili nodded, although she doubted she would. ‘Your house is …’ Lili searched for the right word.

‘Ridiculous,’ said Hannah, smiling.

Lili looked at her. That wasn’t quite the word she would have used, although it seemed apt; the house was ostentatious for three people. Perhaps that was what Hannah had meant.

‘Is your fiancé a footballer?’

Hannah hesitated. ‘Er, no. Now, don’t be long, I can’t wait to introduce you to my friends.’

One of the catering staff interrupted their conversation, checking where Hannah wanted the drinks laid out in the marquee.