Lili remembered what the old man who worked at the cemetery had told her and her guide about the rumours. So, they were true – the baby had been Alena’s.

‘What happened to the baby?’ Maisie asked.

‘That’s a good question, sweetheart.’ Nate smiled at his attentive daughter, wishing he’d known about her before and hadn’t missed the first eight years of her life. But she was finally there – and all because of Lili. He glanced at Lili and caught Alex out of the corner of his eye, scowling. He got the impression that Alex was none too happy he was sitting next to her. Nate thought Alex and Lili were finished, over. He hoped they were.

‘Three years into the war, they’d survived the Italian occupation, but then the Germans arrived on the Ionian Islands.’ Elspeth glanced at the children. So did Nate. Whatever Elspeth was going to say next involving the Nazi occupation of Corfu was not for their ears.

Lili already knew about the death boats. It wasn’t something she wanted Maisie to be privy to – not at her age. ‘Sorry to interrupt, Elspeth, but I think Bella needs a toilet break.’ She turned to Maisie. ‘Could you do me ahugefavour, Maisie, and take Bella outside to do her business?’

Nate cottoned on to what she was doing. He lifted William off his lap. ‘Be a good sport and help Maisie. I think Bella might need feeding too. How about it, son? Take the dog back up to the house, will you?’

William frowned. ‘Oh, all right.’

‘Good lad.’

Maisie wasn’t so easily persuaded. ‘But I want to hear the rest of the story.’

Nate smiled at her. ‘I know, but I’ll tell you what, if you look after Bella, then how about some pocket money for being a good dog owner?’

‘Is Bellamydog now?’

‘Well, Joseph can’t care for her at the moment, so yes, I guess so.’

‘Is that because he’s in prison?’

‘Hopefully, he’ll get out soon.’ Nate glanced at Alex, hoping he was one hell of a lawyer because by the sound of what Elspeth had said, his grandfather had been living under an assumed name for decades.

Nate shifted his attention to Maisie. ‘How about it, eh? You can start earning that pocket money right now?’

Maisie looked at Lili.

She gave her a nod of encouragement that she should accept the deal.

‘I want pocket money too!’

Nate turned to William. ‘How about you tidy your room?’

‘That’s not fun.’

‘Well, neither is picking up dog poop.’

Maisie’s grin faded.

Lili stifled a smile. Maisie hadn’t thought of that.

After cleverly negotiating how much money she would get, Maisie sprang to her feet. Bella followed closely at her heels. ‘Good girl,’ she said to Bella. ‘You know, you’re my dog now.’ Maisie stopped in her tracks halfway to the door. She turned around. ‘Do you think I can teach Bella some more tricks?’

‘I don’t see why not. Why don’t you play outside, see what you can teach her?’ suggested Nate.

‘Can I come back and show you afterwards?’

‘In a little while.’


Lili smiled.Cool.

When she’d closed the door, everyone turned to Elspeth, enraptured by the story and what would follow.