Chapter 38

They all took a seat, everyone’s eyes on Elspeth, waiting for an explanation.

She sighed and glanced at the photo in her hand; the one Lili had just given her. She looked across at her son-in-law. ‘On the subject of tracing family trees, you have outdone yourself this time, Ray.’

‘What do you mean?’

Sarah stared at her mother. ‘What’s this got to do with Ray?’

‘He has done you and Nate out of your inheritance.’

‘What inheritance?’

Elspeth looked about her.

‘What – this old place?’

Elspeth nodded. ‘The Summerhouse too.’

‘What on earth are you talking about, Mum?’

Elspeth turned to Lili. ‘That’s what you’re here for, aren’t you? To get what’s rightfully yours when Joseph pops off this mortal coil.’

Sarah wasn’t the only one looking at Elspeth as though she’d lost her marbles. Lili didn’t have the first clue what she was on about. ‘I have no clue what you’re talking about.’

‘Very clever of you to enlist Ray’s help.’ She glanced at her son-in-law. ‘You fool.’

Ray stared at his mother-in-law. ‘I have no idea either.’

‘Of course, you don’t, otherwise you would never have helpedher.’ Elspeth pointed at Lili.

Maisie spoke up, the tension in the room going over her head. ‘Why does Great-granddad need a genie, a genie—’

Elspeth turned to Maisie. ‘A genealogist. Because some clever police officer has unearthed an incongruity they are looking into, a mystery about your great-grandfather’s past.’

Maisie looked puzzled but was clearly longing to discover what the mystery was.

Elspeth caught Lili’s expression.It wasn’t a question.

Everyone’s eyes were on Lili.

Lili stared at her. Elspeth was right: she had an idea. She was thinking of the graves in Corfu. Had someone figured out that Joseph and his father might have been living under assumed names?

Lili took a deep breath. ‘Look, all I know is that I saw the gravestones in the British Cemetery in Corfu.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Sarah interrupted. ‘What’s this got to do with graves in a cemetery in Corfu?’

Lili kept her gaze fixed on Elspeth.

Alex frowned. ‘Will someone please explain what’s going on? If you know anything I should be aware of, as Joseph’s solicitor you must tell me.’ He directed that comment at Elspeth.

Elspeth sighed. ‘Where to begin?’

‘At the beginning?’ ventured Maisie.

Nate almost hid behind his daughter on the sofa. He’d always been a little afraid of his grandmother. She was a formidable woman. However, he knew, from what Joseph had told him, that the couple had been very much in love. Nate suspected that, just like with his own parents, the past and his family’s obsession with art had driven a wedge between them and led to their divorce.

Elspeth smiled at Maisie. ‘You are quite correct, Maisie. I shall start at the beginning. But first I need a cup of tea.’