Chapter 36

William ran into Lili’s arms. She could see by his tear-stained face that he’d been crying. She knelt and told him that everything was going to be okay.

‘Why did the police take everyone away?’

It was a good question. Had they really stolen all that art? She still couldn’t quite believe they had.

Maisie ran into the lounge. Lili could hear the television. She took William by the hand and followed Maisie into the room. She glanced at the television. A journalist was reporting for the news about the art haul that the police had discovered. Lili did a double-take when she saw an old photo of The Summerhouse pop up on the screen during the live report.

Crumbs, thought Lili,news travels fast.She raced over to the window and pulled the curtains shut, even though there were no journalists outside the house – yet. She nearly slipped on the paperwork and photos that the police had left strewn around as they opened drawers and cupboards and pulled everything out.God only knows what they were looking for, thought Lili.

‘That’s The Summerhouse!’ William said, when he saw the photo on the television.

Lili walked over to the sofa, trying to avoid treading on the stuff littering the floor. She sat down in between William and Maisie, putting an arm around each of their shoulders and pulling them close.

The news programme didn’t have any further information, apart from that the police had identified the valuable paintings as lost items listed in the Art Loss Register.

When a photo flashed up of the family that had been arrested, Lili took the remote control out of Maisie’s hand and switched off the television. ‘Now, listen to me. I’m sure this has all been a big misunderstanding, and the nice police officer will bring them all home soon.’

Maisie looked at Lili. ‘Do you promise?’

‘Cross my heart,’ Lili said, slapping on her biggest smile and hoping it didn’t look fake. What if Nate, Ray, Sarah and Joseph really had stolen all that art, like some sort of criminal ring? It sounded ludicrous, but how well did she know them? She’d only just met them around a month ago. And as for Joseph, was that even his real name?

Lili’s thoughts turned to her mother and the secret she had discovered which had driven her away to seek a new life abroad. It made her wonder just how much anyone really knew their nearest and dearest. It sent shivers down her spine to think that her mum had felt so strongly about something that she’d kept the knowledge of her own daughter’s existence from her parents. Why? Lili was hesitant about the thought of finding her grandparents.

‘When are they coming home?’ William whined.

‘Ray said they arrested Mummy. That’s why I’m staying here. When isshecoming home?’

Lili looked from Maisie to William. ‘Honestly, I don’t know.’

William looked about him. ‘Where’s Bella?’

‘I think she went into hiding too, just like you.’ She was surprised the dog hadn’t appeared. She’d imagined that in those circumstances, Bella would growl at all the police officers and stand her ground, guarding the house, but she guessed that in reality, Bella had been spooked by all the cars and flashing lights, and had run off. Lili hoped that was the case. She didn’t want them to find Bella and take her away too, or – heaven forbid – put her down.

Lili stood up. She cast her gaze around the room at the mess she ought to clear up. ‘Let’s find her. I’m sure she won’t have gone far.’

They all convened in the hall five minutes later. They had each taken a floor of the house to search for her. Lili could hear the two children calling the dog’s name while she searched downstairs.

Lili put her hands on her hips. ‘Right, where next?’

‘She must be in the garden,’ suggested Maisie.

‘Let’s call her from the back door,’ suggested Lili. ‘It’s getting dark outside.’

William ran into the kitchen and returned with a large torch. He switched it on. Lili looked at it. ‘Great – but we’ll have to stick together this time.’

They all left the house through the back entrance. William shone the torch around the garden, calling out, ‘Bella!’

Lili and Maisie joined in. ‘Bella! Here, girl!’

‘What about in there?’ Maisie pointed at the old summerhouse.

They made their way down the garden and stepped onto the wooden veranda. They all stopped and stared at the open doorway.

William shook his head. ‘We’re not allowed in there.’

Lili turned to him. She knew the property had always been kept locked, but now the lock was broken and the door was wide open. ‘Who made that rule, William?’