
She cut him off, tossing her phone on the bed. She slipped on a jumper. Despite it being the middle of summer, Connie’s big old house always felt chilly. She opened the bedroom door and walked down the stairs, slowing when she reached the hallway downstairs. She could hear voices coming from the kitchen.

She sidled up to the kitchen and stood in the doorway. The three girls, who’d stayed over, were already at breakfast. They all said, ‘Hi,’ smiling warmly at Lili. Lili remembered that when she was sent to boarding school, they’d wanted her to live with them instead. Lili shifted her attention to Connie, who smiled and beckoned her to come in and join them for breakfast.

Remaining at the door, Lili looked at Connie. ‘Are you my mother?’

Connie dropped her fork; it clanged on the plate.

The three girls stopped eating, sensing a tension between their mother and Lili; surprised faces wondering what was going on.

Connie slowly got up from the table. ‘Girls, carry on with your breakfast.’ She walked over to Lili.

Her youngest stood up. ‘Mum?’

Connie turned to her. ‘It’s all right, I just need to speak to Lili alone.’ Connie motioned to the sitting room next door. ‘Lili, let’s talk about this in here …’

‘Why?’ Lili asked.

‘It’s about your mother.’