‘Can’t I stay with Lili just for the weekend – please, Mummy?’

All Lili wanted was for the ground to swallow her up. She could see out of the corner of her eye Nate and Ray turning to look at her.

Ray looked at Hannah. ‘You’re Maisie’s mum?’

‘Yes, who did you think I was?’

‘Well, er … we thought Lili was …’

‘You thought Lili was what?’

Lili chewed her bottom lip as Ray turned to her, his expression one of surprise. This was not how Lili envisaged they’d find out.

Hannah walked over to her daughter. Lili caught her best friend giving Nate a sideways glance as she grabbed Maisie’s hand. ‘We are leaving. Now!’

Lili looked from Nate to Hannah and back again, still wondering why he should remember her best friend in particular. It didn’t make any sense. Lili stared at Maisie. Nate was staring at her too. Lili’s eyes went wide.Of all the places.

‘Let go of the little boy’s hand, Maisie.’

‘I’m not a little boy. My name’s William and I’m six.’

Ray said, ‘What about your paintings, Maisie – don’t you want to take them home?’

‘Mummy, my pictures!’ Maisie answered, pulling away from her mother.

‘There’s no time for that. You can do some more fingerpaints, or whatever you’ve been doing, when you return to school.’ Hannah dragged her out of the door.

Lili stared after her, shocked that it was Nate … that Hannah and Nate had … been together at the party. If she’d still had any doubt in her mind, all she would have needed to do was examine one of Maisie’s paintings. William hadn’t inherited his father’s gift, but Nate’s daughter had.

‘Now, look here …’ Ray was about to follow Hannah out of the door when Nate caught hold of his arm, shaking his head. ‘I’ll deal with it.’


‘Because I’m …’

Lili turned to look at him, wide-eyed. He’d guessed the truth, too.

‘Just let me speak to her, okay? William, stay here with your grandpa.’

‘I don’t want Maisie to go. Will you bring her back?’

Nate didn’t answer. His eyes locked on Lili for a moment.

Lili tried to say something, but the opportunity was lost.

Nate glared at her and stormed outside. ‘Hannah!’

Lili walked to the door and stood in the doorway. She could see Hannah telling Maisie to get inside the car. She slammed the car door shut before turning to Nate.

Lili heard Hannah say, ‘I’m not telling you when her birthday is. That’s none of your business.’

‘What’s going on?’ Ray asked, standing behind Lili at the door. ‘Who is that woman?’

She’s my best friend, and she slept with your son, and wouldn’t even tell me who the father of her child was, she thought to herself. She bit her lower lip. ‘She’s Maisie’s mother.’

‘I realise that.’

‘Sorry,’ Lili said in a small voice. ‘I don’t know why I didn’t correct that misconception.’