Page 54 of Wings of Ashes

“But you have a higher tolerance to sunlight than most vampires.”

Noah brushed her lips with his. “We should talk about happier things.”

Grace grinned. “Tonight, Prince Aaron is coming to visit us.”

Noah frowned. “I’m not sure if you should be so happy about that. You’ve been talking about the dragon princes for a week now. I’m already jealous, and I haven’t met them yet.”

Lacing her arms around Noah’s neck, she grinned. “You don’t need to be jealous. I’m excited to introduce you to Aaron.”

“Tell me the truth, is he one of your exes?”

Grace shook her head. “He had a fiancée.”

“Not anymore?”

She shrugged. “Grandpa explained things to me, but it’s a bit complicated. Apparently, he broke off the engagement, and they need Darren to join them for a quest. They found their savior.”


“Their world has a strong fae enemy trying to enslave their people. Every few hundred years, the gods send a warrior to save the world and prevent the evil from destroying the peace.”

“So, they have true gods overseeing their world?”

“They believe in reincarnation and destiny.”

“We also believe in destiny since we have mate bonds. We were predestinated to be together,” Noah said.

“We don’t believe that our destiny is already written, and there’s nothing we can do about it.”

He kissed her to make her stop talking. “I’ve missed you. Let’s stop talking about other people’s fates and problems.”

Grace rubbed the tip of her nose against his, resting her forehead on his. “I wish we could take some days off to be together.”

“Don’t a few days and nights together sound amazing? Do you know somewhere we could hide?”

“Grandpa has a lake house. It has a fireplace and a nice balcony with a lake view. We could cuddle next to the fire, drink tea while looking at the view, and go for long walks in the woods.”

“We could also warm each other up in bed.”

Grace giggled, blushing at the thought. “Grandpa is watching us like a hawk. He comes to my bedroom late at night to check if I’m in bed.”

“I guess I just need to ask him to marry you and end this painful waiting. What do you think?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Do you want to be mine forever, Grace Delacroix?”

“Are you proposing right now? Are you serious?”

He nodded.

“Don’t be silly. You need to be a lot more romantic than that.”

He raised a brow. “A candlelit dinner and a wedding ring? Do you want me down on my knee?”

“A wedding ring would be nice. My father gave my mom the most beautiful ring.”

“Do you still have it?”

Grace shook her head. “Only pictures of it. She…” Grace nibbled on her bottom lip. “Mom’s body was taken away with all of her belongings when Queen Mother found out that she was dead. The only thing they left behind was me.”

“Their loss,” Noah mumbled. “How was I supposed to find you if you were locked in their sky cities?”