Page 61 of Wings of Ashes

Chapter Twenty-Two


The assault team wore cloaks to protect them from the sun, the winds, and sand while they marched to the caves where the wizards were hiding.

Creating a portal nearby would alert their enemies to their presence. They had to walk a few miles in the blistering sun and fight against the stormy winds while linked with a rope so no one got lost.

It had been a while since Grace felt so hot. The sweat glued her clothes and hair to her skin. The sand pierced her exposed flesh and made it almost impossible to breathe, even with a cloth protecting her mouth and nose. With so many beautiful, inhabited planets in the universe, why would someone choose to live there?

Having a mental link with Noah would help soothe her anxiety, but they weren’t mated yet. Maybe it was a mistake not to agree to marry Noah right away. She wanted to spend time at the lake house with her mate once that assignment was over. She had to keep those thoughts away from her mind. Winning was the only option. She would keep her friends safe.

By the time the group arrived at the red clay mountains, where the wizards hid in caves, Grace’s clothes were drenched in sweat, and her breath had grown ragged.

Aaron began untying the rope, and the others did the same. Then, he wrapped the rope around his hand and elbow before placing it over his neck. It might be useful in the caves.

Once they were done, the angels would send more white spheres and place them at the entries, so they could transport the hostages. Carrying them across the desert was out of the question.

Aaron glanced at the team leaders. “You all know what to do, don’t you?”

Noah and Ewan nodded sternly.

Aaron gave the final orders. “Mages go in front. Shifters protect their rear. We’ll meet in the central chamber and reorganize our strategy depending on the number of enemies guarding the leader.”

The groups divided and searched for the cave's entry that was supposed to lead directly to the central chamber. Those should be the ones more heavily guarded. Still, they couldn’t afford to get lost in the maze.

“Should I also hold Darren’s hand?” Michael joked from behind.

Noah looked at him sideways but didn’t let go of Grace’s hand. “If you think you’ll feel safer.”

Darren chuckled and held his hands up. “No way. I need my hands free, so I can defend us.”

“You should go in front, according to Aaron’s orders,” Grace said, pulling Noah, so he stopped and let Darren take the lead.

Michael reached for the sword hanging from his back, under the backpack. “We should prepare ourselves. Check for traps before we enter the cave.”

“You should use the stun gun the angels gave you,” Noah warned. “No cutting off heads and limbs of wizards. Daggers and knives are allowed for hand-to-hand combat only when necessary.”

“We’re also allowed to use lethal force. A sword is a more precise tool,” Michael argued.

“We need to stop chitchatting before entering the cave,” Grace said sternly. “Michael, Noah is the team leader, and he’s telling you to keep the killing to the minimum. Obey or stay behind.”

Michael groaned and tucked the blade into its sheath. He grabbed the stun gun and cleaned the sweat on his forehead with the back of his sleeve.

“We should leave our capes and masks behind. They will hinder our movements if we have to fight,” Darren recommended.

Michael walked to the entry while removing his cloak. He focused on the ground. “There are wires. They probably trigger an alarm or explosives.”

Darren stopped next to him. “I have a spell to reveal all concealed traps.” With those words, the wizard flicked his wrist, and a howling sound reverberated throughout the cave.

Leaning closer, Darren focused his hearing and waited.

No one dared to talk or move.

Noah’s hand held tighter to Grace’s.

“It’s a long way down,” Darren said.

Opening his hand and aiming it forward, an orange flame flew and swirled, spreading like paint in the water.