Page 60 of Wings of Ashes

The elf prince from the Crescent Moon Empire, Ewan, cleared his throat. “We should divide into teams and move to our assigned entry points.”

Aaron nodded. “Noah, Grace, Michael, and Darren are team one.” The dragon prince glanced at Noah. “Any objections?”

Noah shook his head. “I’m fine with it.”

Michael muttered an okay, and Darren smirked and scratched the back of his head.

“Ewan, Lori, and Steve are the second team,” Aaron continued. “I, Andrea, and Kaye are the third team.” He glanced at the warriors, waiting for their approval. No one protested.

Noah’s hand caressed Grace’s hip, and he drew closer. “Will I finally see your wings?”


Kaye, the other dragon prince, placed his hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “We should report to the crown prince before we leave. The electrical storms might interfere with the communications.”

Aaron relaxed his shoulders. “Check your weapons and supplies. We leave in five minutes.”

With that said, he turned around and left with Kaye.

Andrea rushed to Grace’s side and grabbed her hand. She seemed overly excited for someone who was going on a dangerous assignment.

Noah’s enhanced hearing picked up on her words. “Kaye and Ewan are so dreamy. Especially Ewan. Elves are so tall and beautiful. His hair is shiny and looks like silk.”

Grace offered her a lopsided grin but didn’t say anything about the princes’ good looks. She simply patted her friend’s head. “Will you be fine in Aaron’s team?”

“You can’t always watch my back. Aaron won’t let anything happen to me. I’ll be in the middle of two hotties. It’s going to be an adventure. I just need to make myself useful and prove that I’ve got the skills to be a hunter.”

Lori joined her friends with a pale face, holding on to her stomach. “Is anyone else almost throwing up?”

Grace smiled and rubbed Lori’s arm. “Just go to the bathroom and wash your face. You’ll be fine.”