Page 31 of Wings of Ashes

Chapter Twelve


Noah’s attention shifted from the pair of students he was helping to Grace and Michael when he heard her shout.

“Seriously, if you do that again, I’m going to hit you so hard that you won’t be able to procreate,” Grace grunted as she pushed Michael away from her.

Michael grinned with a red face. “I was kidding. You don’t need to take it so personally. We’re practicing, and I can’t always control where I put my hands.”

Grace closed her hand into a fist and aimed at his face. “Do you want me to lose control, too? I might just wipe that sleazy smile off your face.”

Noah shortened the distance between them. “What’s going on?”

Grace looked at him. “I want to change partner. He keeps... Grrr!”

Noah’s jaw tensed, and he narrowed his eyes at Michael.

The werewolf combed his hair with his fingers and grinned. “She’s overreacting.”

“I’m overreacting?” Grace’s voice leveled. “You grope my ass whenever we’re practicing the fall.”

Noah controlled his urge to punch his student. “Mr. Ashmore, please understand that when fighting, it doesn’t matter if your opponent is male or female. Your life is in danger, and you need to incapacitate your opponent. However, hunters aren’t perverts. You shouldn’t grope your opponent.”

“It wasn’t intentional,” Michael claimed.

“It’s the third time. I’m going to—”

Grace’s friend pulled her away before she could jump on Michael.

Michael crossed his arms with an amused grin. “You’re probably on your period. That explains why you’re losing your temper.”

Grace growled louder as one of her other friends helped, keeping her away from Michael.

“What did you just say, Mr. Ashmore?” Noah asked him. “Are you aware of how rude and condescending you were to your fellow student?”

“She’s the one almost shifting into a wolf,” Michael accused. “I don’t need to grope females. They throw themselves at me. I’m no pervert, Mr. Keith.”

Noah turned to Grace. “You’re dismissed from class.”

Grace’s eyes widened as she focused her attention on him. “But—”

Noah raised his hand for her to calm down while Michael’s laughter reached his ears.

Frowning, Noah focused on Michael. “Mr. Ashmore, I’m your new partner. Please, let’s resume practice.” Noah grinned while the blood left the student’s face. If he thought he was getting away with what he had done to Grace, he was wrong. Noah had noticed the way he ogled her. He also noticed how she tried to evade Michael’s wandering hands.

Noah glanced back, remarking how everybody became still and quiet. Even Grace. “The rest of you continue. Miss Delacroix, please assist the other pairs with the exercises.”

She nodded.

Noah faced Michael and grinned. “Let’s see if your hands also wander when you’re practicing with me.”


That same day, Noah sat in front of her with his tray. He wanted to make sure she was okay. Even if they usually ate together, that day, she was already eating alone with a glum expression.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’ll survive.”