“Thank you,” I say if only to get him to leave, and after staring at me for a moment longer, he does.

“That was weird, but he’s likely right,” she says as her phone starts ringing. “Go find him, Grace. You guys will sort it out. I know it.” She writes down an address on a sticky note and hands it over with a reassuring smile before answering the phone on her desk.

I hoped so.

“Do you think this is it?” I ask Mason as he stops his car in front of a building.

“I think so,” he says, studying the address Lauren gave me again. There are large shipping containers everywhere, and Vincent said they were at the ‘shipping yard,’ so this has to be correct.

Before I reach for the door handle, the door to the building opens, and when Sebastian walks out, my breath catches. Easton is with him, along with two other men I don’t know, and I watch as they head for a row of shipping containers not too far away.

I put my hand on the door handle, but before I open it, I turn towards Mason. “I have to do this by myself,” I say, but instead of arguing, he nods.

“I know, Grace.” He smiles at me. “I’ll be here when you’re ready.”

I didn’t tell Mason specifically what happened between us, only that we’d had a fight. Maybe he suspected Sebastian had figured out who I was—although, for all I know, that could be true by now. Mason might know the most of anyone, but even he didn’t know the secret Sebastian uncovered in my journal.

“Thank you,” I say before stepping out of the car and making my way to him. Sebastian’s back is to me as he talks to the men he’s with, but before I can get to him, they start to move again and disappear behind the row of containers they’d just been in front of.Crap.I pick up my pace, and when I round the same corner, I let out a relieved breath to find they’ve stopped again, not too far away.

Interrupting him while he’s working is probably a bad idea, but Ineedto talk to him. I feel like my heart is going to burst if I don’t.

“What are you doing here?” Easton asks, spotting me before I even make it halfway to them, and Sebastian spins to face me. He freezes when he sees me, but I keep moving towards them.

“You shouldn’t be here, Grace,” he says with a frown, and my heart breaks a little more.

“I need to talk to you,” I say, but he only stares at me without responding. “Please,” I beg.

Sebastian sighs and runs a hand through his hair, but as he opens his mouth to speak, a car approaches from behind him, and all four men turn to face it.

“Who the fuck is that?” Sebastian says.

“I don’t know,” Easton says, eyeing the car.

There’s a large gap between the containers next to me and the row on my other side. Clearly, it’s meant to be some kind of road—it’s more than wide enough for a car to fit through. When the car stops in front of us, Easton already has his hand resting on the gun tucked in the back of his jeans, and I squint against the sun and the doors open.

“Fuck,” I hear Easton’s curse as he rips the gun from his jeans before I spot him, but every last ounce of air rushes out of me when I do.