Without shutting it properly, I push the bathroom door, so it’s mostly closed. Once I’m in the bathroom, I really just need a couple of minutes to myself but realise I actually do need to pee.

When I return to the bedroom, Sebastian has laid out one of my matching pyjama sets, and a smile breaks out across my face. He must have rethought the T-shirt he was holding before.

Usually, he likes me in as little clothing as possible, so the long pants and sleeves are an interesting choice. Is he worried about me making moves on himorhim being able to stick to hisownno-sex order?

After changing into the pyjamas he chose, I finish doing up the buttons before climbing into bed with him. A deep sigh leaves me when he wraps himself around me, the heat from his body warming me immediately. With the alcohol still flowing in my veins, and the man I love wrapped around me, sleep takes me almost instantly.

My journal feels lighter than usual in my hands—like it might be possible it doesn’t have the same control over me as it used to not so long ago. It’s been hard not falling back into old habits, especially with everything that happened with the warehouse, then Vincent.

Though, the more time that goes by and the stronger my heart beats for the man who sleeps next to me in the very bed I’m sitting on right now, the easier it’s been to resist the urge to fill the blank pages that remain.

I’ve found myself sitting right here with this book in my hands, fighting a battle against myself more often than I’d like. But I haven’t lost one yet. I haven’t written in my journal since the first day I met Mason in the penthouse. With a deep sigh, I pull my gaze away from the closed journal to glance at the camera sitting beside me on the bed.

A soft smile lifts my lips. Tonight will be my third photography lesson with Naomi, and the excitement that zings through me is no less than last Tuesday.

Sebastian messaged earlier to say Mason will be taking me to the city tonight. I feel bad everyone has to drive me around everywhere—not that I get out too much, but I still wish I didn’t need to rely on others so much.Maybe I should ask Mason to teach me to drive.

Though even if I knew how to drive, I doubt either he or Sebastian would let me drive into the city by myself.

I’ve had no more run-ins with Vincent, and things have been quiet apart from the false alarm on my shopping day with Lauren.Sebastian hasn’t mentioned anything about Alexander, and sometimes I imagine that he’s given up. Although if I know anything about Sebastian, it’s that he’s never going to give up until he has the man he knows is responsible for his parents’ deaths.

It’s tempting to fall into a sense of security with how well things are going here. Only, as I shift my gaze back to my journal, dread settles under my skin—moving like a silent reminder. In the same way I know Sebastian won’t let his parents’ killer go, I know my uncle better than to think he’d letmego so easily.