My gaze follows the trio as they exit the room, and I sink further into darkness.
There’s no escape here.
His free hand runs up the back of my leg, ensuring his nails drag against my skin, no doubt leaving a mark for him to appreciate later as he drags the silk dress with it until my bare ass presses against him.
Bile burns the back of my throat when he grinds his hard length into my ass. “You can try to keep quiet all you like, Emery. But we both know you’ll break. You always do,” he whispers into my ear on a low growl as he pinches my nipple hard enough that dark spots dance across my vision. A rush of breath escapes me, yet somehow, I manage to keep hold of the thing he wants to hear.Please not here.
I jolt as he forces his hand between my legs, his hot breath burning my neck. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop the shaking now taking over.
“Should we give them a show?” he asks, his movements rough and his hold unyielding as he shoves his fingers inside me without warning. I’m not able to stop the sharp whimper at his intrusion. The flesh between my legs feels as though it’s being torn apart as it stretches painfully around his fingers whilst his nails scrape along my inner walls with each hard thrust.
“Let them hear how you scream for me,” he says, pushing even deeper inside me.
A scream lodges in my throat at his movements, but when I lift my head, I see everyone’s eyes on us.
So many emotions filter through their gazes that the sliver of hope of escaping I felt earlier feels like a sick joke. Another way to remind me that this is the only life I’ll know. With their stares on me, I allow myself to sink further into the abyss that’s been slowly pulling me under.
Not able to look at them any longer, I avert my gaze, biting my lip so hard that the taste of iron seeps over my tongue. I’m so distracted by the pain of what he’s doing, I don’t realise the bruising hold he had on my breast is gone until I feel something at my back entrance.
I sway forward, partly in a futile attempt to escape what he’s about to do and partly because he’s no longer holding me up, except the move only intensifies the pain between my legs. A sound rips from my throat when the tip of him breaches my hole. Not quite a scream, yet louder than a whimper. As soon as he’s partly inside me, he brings his free hand to my throat, restricting my movements once more. His fingers bite into my neck, but it’s not hard enough that I can’t talk orscream.
“You can do better than that,” he says, and just as I try to mentally prepare myself for him to finish what he’s started, someone clears their throat behind us.
“Sir, you have a phone call.”
“I’m busy,” he growls, only sliding into me a little more before his movements halt at the interruption. Despite the momentary reprieve from what I know is coming, he never lets up the punishing assault with his fingers.
My chest rises and falls at a rapidly growing pace as tears leak from the corner of my eyes, no matter how hard I try to hold onto them.
“It’s urgent, sir,” he says, clearing his throat again.
His throat vibrates with annoyance. “It better be,” he threatens, pulling his hand from between my legs—my flesh burning with the rough withdrawal. “Don’t think this is over,” he growls into my ear. His hold on my throat tightens before he lets himself slip out of me. He stays behind me a moment longer, I assume to tuck himself away before letting me go.
As soon as his hands are off me, I stumble to the side, not stopping until I hit the wall. I don’t dare look up at the many eyes I still feel burning into my body, so instead, I pull the white silk down to cover myself.
I can’t do this anymore.
The door to my room creaks open, and I poke my head through the gap.
When I see it’s clear, I slip into the hall.
It’s late. The guests are long gone.
I’d tried to be as unnoticeable as I could for the remainder of the night, but it was almost impossible after the display. He’d drawn attention to me in the worst way, and even though none of the guests would have dared touch me, the fantasies didn’t stop playing over their eyes. I tried not to think whether it was because they wanted to see the rest of theshowor if they wished they could be the ones to finish it.
I spent the rest of the night waiting for my uncle to return and fulfil his promise, but he never returned after being pulled away, which isn’t unusual. Although, the fact he never came back for me, even after the party, is. Maybe he wanted one of those girls after all.
Sick relief rushes through my veins at the thought, tarnishing what’s left of my soul.
Moving silently through the house, I slow my steps as I approach his office. The door is closed, but there’s no light showing through the crack under the door. Pressing my ear to the door, I listen for any sign of someone inside. After a minute or so, I test the handle when I still don’t hear anything.