Sebastian isn’t innocent. Hekilleda man, and knowing that doesn’t make me love him any less. I don’t know exactly what business he’s into outside of the corporate office, but I know it isn’t lawful. Bar from him hurting innocent people, I can’t see it changing how I feel about him. So how can I judge Ethan?

“Maybe it makes me a bad person working for the man who rules Sydney’s criminal underworld, but he’s the only family I have,” Ethan says, gratitude shining through his expression.

My heart stutters as I replay his words in my head.

Sydney’s criminal underworld?Holy crap.“This city is mine.”Lucas’ words from the night I came for my passport suddenly make sense.

He rules the whole city?

A shiver rakes down my spine. My instincts were right when it came to Lucas Hale. I guess I didn’t realise just how right they were.

“Ah, I take it you didn’t know that part.” Ethan winces. “I just figured Sebastian…” he trails off.

I shake my head, clearing my throat. I’m still shaken by the new information, but I can’t blame Ethan for sticking by Lucas, regardless of who he is. I know all too well that you don’t always get to choose your family, so if you get the chance, you can’t let it pass by.

My heart clenches, remembering how I tried to leave the people, even Shadow, who have becomemyfamily over a short course of time. “I understand,” I say, glancing at Ethan. “Why you stayed.”

Ethan’s eyes soften, and he nods. No words are needed to covey the understanding between us.

I’ve already been here for too long since my call with Mason, and with nothing else to discuss, we say our goodbyes. Ethan offers to walk me back to Mason, but I show myself out. He already seemed distracted. Like I’d given him a challenge he wanted to dive straight into.

My mind is too busy running over a million things that I don’t notice someone else turning into the hall. Not until a familiar voice has me stopping in my tracks.

“What are you doing here?”

My head snaps up to find Easton standing only a metre away from me. And he looks pissed.

“I… ah…”

“I’m surprised you’re here without your guard dog,” he says, taking a step towards me, though I’m surprised he let my non-answer go by. “How the fuck do you know Vincent?” he asks, taking another step.

My heart pounds in my chest at the mention of Vincent’s name. I should have known he wouldn’t just let my lack of response go by, not unless there was something else he wanted more.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I hadn’t even told Mason about what happened with Vincent at the house. “We ran into each other going around the corner, that’s all,” I say, using the same excuse Vincent had. Although, his was mostly blaming me.

“You’re a good liar,Grace,but it’s him that gave it away. I know the exact look he was giving you, and it almost always leads to a black eye at best,” he says, leaving me to wonder what lies at the ‘worst’ part of his scale. “So, try again.” He crosses his arms over his chest. How did Easton know Vincent so well that he could pick up on his expression from halfway down the hall?

The similarities are faint, but the longer I study the man in front of me, the more I can see it.


“He’s nothing to me,” Easton spits out before I can finish, and what he said about black eyes comes back to me. I can’t help but imagine what else he had to go through if that is his best-case scenario. As much as I don’t like him, I have to admit a part of me feels sorry for him if he had to grow up with that man as a father.

“Does Sebastian know?” I ask softly, and Easton’s frown deepens in confusion.

“Know what?”

“What he did to you?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says but now that I know what to look for, I can see it in his eyes, peeking through the anger he holds at the surface. The pain of being hurt by someone who’s meant to protect you. Whether it’s a black eye, broken bones, or in my case, something else entirely, it’s a different kind of pain.

“I’m sorry you went through that,” I say, and even though I don’t know any of the details, I still mean it.

“Enough!” Easton yells, taking another step towards me, and the scent of alcohol hits me in the face. After a few deep breaths, Easton shakes his head. “You have Sebastian fooled.”

“I love him,” I say with a steady voice, and I’m surprised by how much conviction is held within those three words.

Easton freezes, and his wild eyes search mine for the lie, but he won’t find anything.