Chapter Sixteen


“Ihave a surprise for you today,” Sebastian says, trailing kisses along my collarbone.

“What is it?” I ask, wriggling underneath him on the large king bed we’ve been sharing for the past week since we’ve been here.

“Lauren mentioned that she missed not seeing you yesterday,” he says, pushing himself up so that he’s hovering above me.

“She did?” I ask, half sitting up with my mouth hanging open in surprise. We’ve only met twice, and whilst I enjoyed her company, I don’t think I really knew what she thought of me. She is Sebastian’s assistant, after all.

“Thought you girls could spend the day together.”

“What about work?” I ask.

“I gave her the day off. You can go into the city, make a day of it.”

“To the city?” I ask as my excitement starts to deflate.

“Mm-hmm,” he sounds as he starts trailing his hands down my side.

“I don’t know…” The thought of going into the city makes goosebumps break out across my skin. Something tells me that Sebastian isn’t talking about a walk through the park and how heightened my anxiety has been lately, I’m not sure I could handle more than that. Mason and I have taken Shadow for a few walks over the last week, although they haven’t been extremely long trips as he’s still wary of my ankle.

“It will be good for you to get out of the house. Aren’t you sick of only seeing Mason and me?”

“No,” I say, looking straight into his eyes. Since my run-in with Vincent, I’ve been even more on edge. I never told Mason what happened. I certainly didn’t tell Sebastian. Even though I let Mason in on my biggest secret, the thought of him being hurt terrifies me. If he doesn’t know what happened, he won’t try to get involved.

It’s safer this way.

I still didn’t know much about the connection between Sebastian and Vincent, only that they worked together. Why would he have wanted Sebastian’s parents dead? Vincent had been awfully concerned with Sebastian finding out what I knew, but how long would that threat hold up?

What if he tells my uncle where I am, regardless?

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” I say quietly as my blood pumps faster through my veins. Although, despite my reservations, I’ll admit, hearing that Lauren wanted to see me fills my chest with a warmth I haven’t felt before.

“I think you could have fun,” Sebastian says, kissing a path down my chest and between my breasts. “Mason will be there the whole time. You don’t need to worry about anything else.”

My back arches when Sebastian takes one of my nipples into his mouth. Although, a laugh escapes me at the thought of Mason on agirl’s day out.

Sebastian lets go of my nipple with a pop and quirks a brow at me. “What’s so funny?” he asks, but his lip lifts at the corner giving off a half-smirk.

“Nothing,” I say on another chuckle, but then I sigh. “I… I don’t know about this, Sebastian.”

“Please try. If you hate it or you want to leave, just say the word, and Mason will bring you home,” he says, kissing the corner of my mouth. “I promise. Plus, I’m going to make it so that you won’t be able to think about anything other than my cum slowly leaking out of your sweet cunt all day.”

A shiver runs through me at his words, and when he draws my nipple back into his mouth, I decide to table the conversationfor now.

“You won’t even know I’m there, Grace,” Mason says, chuckling at my look of alarm. “I can be as visible as you want me to be, but I won’t crash your day. Regardless, I won’t let anything happen,” he assures me, and the look of knowing he gives me both calms and terrifies me.

I don’t know what he’s done with the information I gave him, but Idofeel safe around him. Probably safer than I did before. But with that comes the nightmares. Since the day I let him in on my secret, I’ve seen him die every night. So whilst he makes me feel safe, how can I ask him to put his life at risk for me? If something were to happen to him because of me, I don’t think I could handle it.

As far as I’m aware, Mason never told Sebastian what I told him. It’s not that I think Mason would go against the promise he made, but technically he works for Sebastian now.No.There’s no way he would, he’s too much of a good person for that, but now I feel guilty for putting him in a position where he has to keep secrets from hisbossand a friend.

“You could, you know. Crash it. I’m sure Lauren wouldn’t mind.” I have no idea if that’s true, but oh well.

“Don’t worry,” Mason says quietly, tapping the underside of my chin, and the serious look in his eyes only implores me to trust him. I dip my chin and have the urge to wrap my arms around him and squeeze.

“Ready to go?” Sebastian asks as he enters the large kitchen and entertaining area, and my head snaps to him. He’s dressed in a navy suit and a light blue shirt with the first few buttons undone. For someone who’s usually so pedantic about getting to work on time, he’s definitely going to be late this morning. I have a feeling it’s because he knew how nervous I was about today.