Page 98 of You're the One

“She’s been making mistakes.” He cut her off. “Writing wrong times and dates in her schedule for appointments, and has messed up a few orders for the face oil,” Hugo said.

Luna groaned.

“Why didn’t you tell me any of this?” Charlie demanded.

“You didn’t need to know,” Luna muttered, sinking into the back seat.

“We are friends,” Charlie said slowly. “Friends share things, good and bad, with each other. Especially things like this. How long has this been going on?”

“A while. I’m not exactly sure how long. It’s not a big deal, Charlie.”

“I’m really angry with you right now, Luna. You don’t keep this kind of thing to yourself.”

“Amen,” Hugo muttered.

She felt the weight of their disapproval. She’d disappointed the two people who really cared for her.

“I’m sorry. I’m just used to doing things solo.”

“This I know. I have to force you to delegate, and even then, I’m sure you check up on things others do,” Hugo said.

“She’s a control freak,” Charlie said.

“Agree,” Hugo added.

“You’ve never worried before, Hugo.”

“I’ve always worried, but you were never ready to listen. Something tells me that now you are. Coffee?” Hugo asked.

“Smoothies,” Charlie said, which had Hugo smiling. He loved smoothies. “It will take both your minds off the shit show that’s playing out on social media.”

“Thanks. I hadn’t thought about it for at least ten minutes,” Luna said.

“I’ve been checking, and actually, while there are some nasty comments, there are also a lot of good ones about you letting loose and being real.”

“Really? I’ve been too scared to look.” Luna leaned over Hugo’s shoulder as he got out his phone.

“Who are you, and where is the hard-ass that is my friend?”

“She’s never been a hard-ass,” Charlie said. “She just puts on a good front.”

“True.” Hugo began scrolling and showing Luna the nice comments.

“I like it here, Hugo,” Luna said before she could stop herself. “Really like it. People just treat me like Luna.”

“You are Luna,” he said, still reading.

“But they treat me like I’m normal.”

“You’re used to people being in awe around you, not treating you as one of them. They do that here,” Charlie said.

“People are not in awe of me.”

“Oh come on, of course they are. You’re pretty awesome, and you look good too. One of the main reasons Olivia doesn’t like you is because you’re way cooler than her. I mean, I’d go there if I wasn’t straight.”


“Agree with everything you say, Charlie, sweetheart. Our girl needs to be more real with herself.”