Page 77 of You're the One

Nash just sighed.

He helped her wash out her mouth, then found a spare toothbrush and put paste on it. Thankfully she managed to do the rest. He then sat her on the bed while he grabbed one of his T-shirts.

“Here, put this on.” He handed it to her.

She started crying again.

“I’m sorry. I don’t cr-cry.”

“You’re doing an excellent job of that right now.”

“C-Coming here…” Her words fell away on a hiccup. “Shorry.”

“Take off your dress and put on my T-shirt, Luna. You smell.”

She struggled to her feet. Nash grabbed her as she listed sideways. He then sighed again, because hell, why not.

Grabbing the hem of her short dress, he pulled it up and over her head. Keeping his eyes on her face, he then pulled his T-shirt on to cover up that luscious body. It came to midthigh. She looked way too good in it.

He walked her to his bed and pulled back the covers, then helped her onto the mattress. She lay there looking sad and small. His heart absolutely did not sigh.

“I’ll be back soon, okay?”

She nodded.

The fiery, strong woman he’d met had lost all her spark. Nash hated seeing it. He ran downstairs and got some aspirin and water. The issue he had was that all her friends would be as drunk as her about now, so he couldn’t even call someone to come get her.

“You’re it, bud.”

She was sitting slumped in his bed looking pathetic. He made her take the tablets and drink the water.

“Sleep now.”

“I’m shorry.”

“Stop apologizing.”

“I don’t do this. Can’t… my life is such a mess,” she whispered.

“The good news is you’re young enough to sort it out.”

She shook her head.

“Why can’t you?”

The tears started again, so he sat beside her and pulled her close. She lay against him sobbing softly. It broke his heart. He’d thought her this together woman who had it all. Businesswoman, social media sensation who took the world with both hands and conquered it. Not so much, it seemed.

“No more tears.” He ran his thumb under her eyes.

“I went to my firsh bachelorette party,” she said, then hiccupped. “Don’t you think that’s pathetic, Nash.”

“I’ve never been to one, if that helps.”

“I’ve never let go, really.”

“Define let go,” he said to the top of her head.

“Gone out with girlfriends and done silly things. Drunk too much.”