Page 72 of You're the One

“Not sure why I could put a good word in, but sure.”

“Haven’t Bailey and Pip done an amazing job with the decorations?” Rory waved a hand around.

Big gold letters with the letters R O R Y hung on a wall, and there were plenty of balloons in blue, pink, and white. Drinks and food were on trays in a variety of colors.

“It looks great,” Luna said, studying the bride-to-be.

Rory wore a purple dress and black ankle boots. Her hair was crazy curls, and she wore a tiara and a white satin sash with the words “Lady of the Hour” written across it in red.

“You’ll have fun, I promise.” Charlie joined her.

Luna sat beside Aunt Jess on the sofa. Piper handed her a glass of champagne.

“How long have you lived away from home, Luna?” Aunt Jess asked her.

“Since I was eighteen.”

“You must have missed your family very much.”

“I did, but it was something I wanted, and my family supported me in that.”

“You go home often?” Rory asked.

“I try to every year. I have a younger brother and sister, and my father.”Who’s always drunk and barely notices I’m not there most days.

“Oh well, you can have all of us as family now if you want?”

Rory’s comment was genuine, it was the way these people were, but it made a lump form in her throat. Luna couldn’t imagine how wonderful it would be to belong here.

A vision of Nash slipped into her head; she pushed it aside. Her life was in Chicago, far from here.

The champagne flowed as the night progressed, but Luna kept herself to a single glass. She never lost control. The consequences were not good, hangover being only one thing to factor in. If she was in public and drunk, people were always around to take a photo of her and happy to share it wherever they could. As was evidenced by the chocolate-eating incident.

They played games and did things with phallic symbols no person should have to. Luna laughed so hard, her sides ached.

“Miss Marla, you just need to take a bite out of that penis,” Piper said with one eye closed. Luna guessed that was so she could focus.

Large penises made of chocolate hung from a string, and you had to eat them with your hands tied behind your back. It was harder than it looked. Luna had ended up with chocolate everywhere, and she was sober.

“There’s no room for manners when it comes to penises,” Rory said from her position horizontal on the floor. “Come on, Branna, you can do better than that.”

The Irishwoman lunged at the chocolate and missed, stumbling forward and only just managing to keep her feet.

“I’ve got this.” Charlie opened her mouth so wide, Luna was sure she’d displace her jaw.

“Step aside, you girls need a real woman for this job,” Aunt Jess said, listing sideways as she staggered to her feet.

Luna heard a knock on the door and went to answer it, as no one else was in any state to do so. The Robbins sisters were cackling like witches attempting to pin the penis on the life-sized man.

Opening the door, she found a man dressed in a police uniform.

“Can I help you?” Luna knew exactly why he was here. He was no policeman; she’d bet her favorite running shoes on that.

“I’m here to see Rory,” he said.

“I thought you might be. Follow me.”

“My sister loves your new face oil,” he smiled at her.