Page 60 of You're the One

He followed Ted into a room that had a desk and monitor on it.

“I thought I’d use the guests’ ones?”

“All good, this office is not in use. Have at it.” He waved Nash into a chair. “Need me to help you with anything? Bring up a search engine?”

“I got it, thanks.”

“Call if you need anything.”

“Will do.”

Nash typed in Luna McKinley first and read everything he found. He saw pictures of her younger, and as she grew up. She’d been in the spotlight for years since moving to the States on a scholarship in her teens. She then became an American citizen and represented her new country in track. She retired young due to injury. He saw her lying in a hospital bed with her foot in a cast. She’d then gone on to be a model, and later become a social media influencer. He saw plenty of pictures of her dressed in fancy clothes on the arms of men in suits and didn’t like that tug of jealousy he felt seeing them. He saw her walking catwalks and on the front of magazines.

He watched a few videos of her promoting Move with L.K. and her face stuff. The woman was a looker, no getting around that. Nash studied a picture of her taken a few years ago. She was running somewhere and shot whoever snapped the photo a smile. She was sweet, and that smile like any girl next door.

He searched for her family next but found nothing except she was born in the UK. He found an article about an event she was at and where she’d been mobbed and injured.

“You sure live one hell of a life lady,” he said to the screen.

Next, he put in the name Olivia Tyler. She was dark as opposed to Luna, who was fair. Tall, she had a sultry look about her, but then that could be the dress she wasn’t wearing. The hem stopped at the top of her thighs and the top sat low on her breasts. Nash wasn’t sure how he knew this but didn’t think Luna would wear something like that. She may have while modelling, but he couldn’t see it.

There were plenty of articles about the public fight that had been brewing between her and Luna for years. None of them made pretty reading.

“Ted told me to bring you a coffee.” Mandy appeared in the doorway.

“Sorry, I was just leaving.”

“No hurry. This room is not being used; take your time.” She lowered it onto the desk beside him. “I just thought you’d like to know I called the hospital and Luna is doing good. They’re keeping her overnight, but she should be back here tomorrow.”

That’s good,” he said, looking at the screen. He felt a wash of relief at her words.

“Do you think it was those people from earlier, Nash?”

“Could have been but I didn’t get a good look at the one I saw, Mandy. The light was bad.”

“Well I hope they find them. Whatever hit Luna on the head could have done way more damage.”

Mandy left after that, and he drank his coffee and searched out more information on Luna. Read some of her blogs for healthy living. They made sense and weren’t too woohoo for him. He noted flowers were big for her. They were on all her blogs and websites.

“You all done?” Ted wandered in.

“Yeah, thanks, Ted. See you round.”

“Chief Blake was here having a meal when he received a call about the attack from Fin. He wants you to contact him.”

“Thanks. I’ll go see him tomorrow.”

“Later.” Ted raised a hand.

He headed out into the night and climbed into his truck. Driving home, he thought long and hard about Luna McKinley, and when he pulled up outside his cabin, he’d come to the conclusion that he needed to back away from her. She was way out of his league for one, and for two there were enough people in her life to look after her.

Yes, they’d made out in an alley like a couple of randy teenagers, and yes, the woman had a body on her that had heated him faster than any women before her. But this was for the best. She was a complication that he doubted there would ever be a resolution for.

“Yeah, yeah, stop your bellyaching,” he said to Monica as he let her out of her pen. “I said I’d be back, didn’t I?”

He scratched behind her ears as she butted his stomach, then bent to pat her duck.

“She’s in trouble, Monica. That much is clear, but it’s not for me to protect her.”

The pony nudged him again, and he wasn’t sure if that was agreement or not.