Page 6 of You're the One

“I do all right,” he muttered. Maggie had said the same thing two days ago; he’d liked it even less then. “Back to this Luna McKinley person. What or who is she?”

“She’s an influencer.”

He looked down at Mal again, expecting more. “I am still clueless.”

She did an exaggerated eye roll.

“Careful, I’ve heard of someone doing that and her eyes stayed looking at the back of her head forever.”

“Influencers are people on social media who have established credibility in a specific industry.”

“You read that somewhere. No way did you come up with that on your own seeing as you’re only twelve.”

“Did too!”

“Back to this influencer who is now in town.”

“She’s awesome. She’s really pretty, and nice too. Really kind—”

“Wait.” Nash raised a hand. “There is no way you can know what she’s like off a few of those Facebook things.”


“The interactions you have,” Nash said.

“Wait.” Mal held up a hand now. “Do you have a Facebook account?”

“Hell no.”


“Isn’t that a fancy word for conversation?”



She went on to reel off a list of names he’d vaguely heard of but didn’t have.

“No to all.”

“Just wow. I can honestly say I’ve never met someone who doesn’t have some kind of social media presence.” There was wonder in her voice.

“What do I need that crap for? I have a phone if I need to talk to people. Or, shock horror, I could go see them.”

“I can’t even with you.” Mal waved a hand in front of her face. “I mean, it’s like you’re a ghost or something.”

“That shit stays there forever, you know, Mal. People will see those silly pics of you doing this…” He held two fingers to his cheek and pursed his lips. “One day your grandchildren will be mortified.”

“I don’t do that!”

“Of course you do, I see tourists doing it in town all the time that are your age.”

“Okay, well maybe I do, but I always look cool while I do.”

“Says you. Getting back to this Luna McKinley, what’s the big deal with her, and what the hell is she influencing?”

“She’s like this model who does really cool things and helps lots of people. Move with L.K. is her thing. She wants people to be more active. She’s real, and into healthy living and exercise.”