Page 36 of You're the One

Hell, he’d have to go back into town. In and out, he thought. He wouldn’t talk to anyone or make eye contact.

A loud thud had him opening the door.

“Where the hell did you come from?”

The smallest pony he’d ever seen stood there. It was the color of his sister’s hair and had white socks and forehead. Its mane was long, and Nash could see its ribs. In fact, it looked malnourished and in a bad way. The little hooves needed filing.

The horse nudged him in the belly. Nash gave it a scratch.

“What’s your deal, little buddy?”

Going back inside, he took out a bowl and filled it with water. After putting that on the ground, he retrieved the carrots and apple and put them down beside it. The pony hurried over to drink and eat. Nash took pictures.

“I’ll be back soon, and we’ll find your owner, so sit tight.”

He gave the animal a final pat, then got in his pickup again and left. The town was busier now. He pulled up outside the vet and went in.

“Hi, Nash.”

He blinked as the young guy on reception greeted him but rallied. Clearly everyone now knew his name.

“Hi. Look, this little pony just showed up on my doorstep. I wonder if you could circulate her picture and get the owner to pick her up.” And when he did show, Nash would have a whole lot to say to him about neglecting the animal.

“You want to send me that picture, Nash, and I’ll get it out there.”

“Sure, how do I do that?”


“I don’t have one.”

“What?” The boy looked shocked when Nash shook his head. “Maybe text it to me then?”

“I can do that,” Nash said. The boy gave him his cell number, and Nash got out his phone.

“Does that actually send pictures?”

He sent the picture without further comment. He then got some pony food and a few other things in case no one picked her up today.

The grocery store was his next stop. He would get the food and drive home. Close and lock his door and stay in there.

“Hi, Nash,” a small woman wearing an apron with a large can of beans on the front and the words How You Bean greeted him.

He raised a hand and then grabbed a cart and started shopping. He was getting food then going home, end of story.