Page 31 of You're the One

His eyes drifted down before he could stop himself.

“They’re real.”


“Just returning the favor, as you were checking me out earlier.”

She shrugged. “You have a nice chest. It’s your attitude that sucks.”

She certainly had a mouth on her, Nash thought, picking up his coffee as she turned to dive back into the argument still raging behind them.

“I can do a couple of shoots and whatever else, Charlie. It’s no big deal.”

“No, you can’t. People are always wanting a piece of you, but that’s not happening here,” her friend said.

“Chickenshit,” he said to Luke when he returned carrying two loaded plates.

“I was just helping out.” He winked at Nash as he placed one before him. “My cousin needed me.”

“You ran because of that.” He nodded over his shoulder. “And I said to-go with the breakfast order.”

“I’m socializing you.” He took the seat beside Luna. “You know, like they do in the zoos. They put food in blocks of ice and hide them in places for the animals, so things are not too easy for them and they don’t get set in their ways.”

Luna was facing forward again. Her face was tight; clearly, she was upset with what was happening behind her, and likely because he was pissing her off. But she did snort at Luke’s words.

“Amusing, Trainer,” Nash said. He then started eating. “Where’s your food?” he asked Luna.

She ignored him.

“Let me guess. You eat sprouts and celery sticks? Every mouthful that passes your lips is healthy?”

She turned to face him, eyes narrowed.

“Chocolate is a no go, and you have a nutritionist and a personal trainer to keep you on track?” Nash knew he was being niggly, but he didn’t seem able to stop himself. This woman had made him feel something uncomfortable from the first time he’d laid eyes on her. He didn’t like it or want it. Especially as that hadn’t happened in a long time.

“I’ve always found with good-looking guys that the facade is all they have. Their brains are weak and their dicks…” She let the words fall away as she got off the barstool. Her thumb and forefinger were about an inch apart.

Surprise had him choking on a mouthful of bacon. She hit him hard enough between the shoulder blades to make his eyes water.

“Let me get this straight, you Neanderthal.” She pushed her face into his as he looked at her. “I don’t need you to like me. But you don’t get to judge me when you know nothing about me. Unlike you, people actually want to spend time with me.”

“Of course they do. Hot, sexy woman like you, I bet you get a lot of respect.”

If smoke could come out of her ears, now would be that time. Nash felt instantly ashamed for what he’d said to her. He was behaving badly, and that was out of character.

“Look, I’m s— Shit!” He leapt back as water cascaded down on his head. He turned to watch Luna lower the glass back on the tray a waitress was carrying.

“I’m sorry, Piper,” she said. “Oh, and by the way”—her voice rose—“Nash Winter plays classical guitar.” She then stomped from the cafe.