Page 27 of You're the One

“Aunt Jess,” the woman supplied with a smile.

Tall, with a long silver braid, she had a lovely face, and from memory was Mr. Goldhirsh’s wife.

“Did you run with my husband?”

“I did.” Luna was still breathing hard.

“You young ones will never learn.” She made a tsking sound.

“He’s hard to say no to, in my defense.”

Aunt Jess laughed and urged Luna into the cafe. Mr. Goldhirsh met them at the counter and kissed his wife on the lips loudly.

Luna sat on one of the stools with a sigh. It was nice in here, white walls, tables and chairs, and plenty of plants. Clean lines but comfortable.

“I was just about to explain about that banner now hanging across the street,” Aunt Jess said, heading behind the counter.

Luna had family. A father—okay, he was drunk most often—a brother and a sister, and her aunt and uncle, but she never saw them as they were in England. She suddenly missed them. All the closeness and familiarity these people had with each other was making her homesick. That and the fact they’d accepted her so easily.

“Well now, not sure where to start, Luna, other than Mary Howard wants to marry off her two daughters and keeps coming up with strange events to try to lure them back to Ryker to attend.”

“Charlotte told me about the musical chairs,” Luna said.

“Right. That didn’t go so well for her,” Jess said. “But Mary is not a quitter.” Apparently for this next event, the man or woman has to wear a blindfold and identify the person they want to go on a date with by smell.”

“You’re not serious?” Luna looked from Jess to Mr. Goldhirsh.

“Yup, deadly serious. Not sure it will happen, as there are already a lot of people saying they don’t want to participate.”

“If it happens, I’ll make sure I’m gone then.”

“Probably for the best. She’d be delirious if she knew you were attending.”