Page 24 of You're the One

“I’m sorry,” Luna said when they reached the gate. “I just thought you were being rude again like you were last night.”

“I was, but I also had to pull on shorts and I didn’t want you to jump me, so I shut the door.”

“You don’t think you could have said that?”

“About you jumping me?” He frowned as he waved her through the gate.

“You know what I mean. It’s called communicating,” Luna gritted. “You are such an asshole,” she added.

“You’re repeating yourself.”

She snapped her teeth together to stop from saying anything else.

“I can handle it,” he said as he started to run. “But before you insult me again, where is Miss Sarah?”

“Go right and follow the trail. She hurt her ankle, then fell down a small bank. Mr. Goldhirsh is with her.”

He grunted something but kept running, and Luna admired his butt as he moved. It was probably good he was an asshole, because with those looks, he’d be inundated with women.

“I didn’t think a prissy big-time city girl who made a living off other people would be running at this hour. Don’t you need your beauty sleep more than most?”

“You don’t know me,” Luna snapped back. People were always judging her.

“I don’t need to. Woman like you are all the same.”

She’d worked hard on controlling her emotions. Worked hard at not letting some of the insults people who didn’t even know her felt they could say or post on social media bother her. She counted slowly to ten, then back again. Luna had a temper, but she’d become really good at controlling it.

“Does your silence tell me you agree with my words?” he said, not even breathless.

Something inside her snapped. She bent and pulled off her shoe and threw it at his head.

“What the fuck!” He spun, but Luna had climbed the bank and was running away from him. Shoeless!

The thud of his feet told her he was on her tail. Turning at the slight bend, she sprinted to reach Mr. Goldhirsh and Miss Sarah. She reached them just as his hand grabbed her shoulder.

“We’re here!” she shrieked loud enough for everyone in Ryker Falls to have heard. She then shrugged off the large hand and hurried down the bank.

“Where is your shoe?” Miss Sarah said.

To Luna’s mind, she looked a bit pale.

“Here. She lost it running to reach you.” Nash jabbed her in the spine with it.

Luna took it and sat to pull it on.

“What’s the deal?” The grumpy asshole dropped down beside Miss Sarah.

“Oh, Nash dear, it’s nothing really. I just need some help getting up the bank. I’m sure we could have managed, but Mr. Goldhirsh disagreed. I’m sorry to wake you.”

“He wasn’t sleeping, he was playing classical guitar when I arrived.” Luna was sure no one knew about his hobby, seeing as he was, from what she could gather, someone who didn’t like people or interacting with them. She’d said it to annoy him. The scowl he shot her told Luna it had worked.

“You play classical guitar, Nash?” Mr. Goldhirsh said as GHG inspected Miss Sarah’s ankle.

“It’s not broken. I’ll strap it, and then we can get you up the hill and back to the Lodge.”

“Sorry, you may not have heard, but Mr. Goldhirsh asked if you played classical guitar, Nash?” Luna’s tone was sickly sweet. Why was she enjoying this so much?

He shot her a “you’ll get yours” look, and she replied with a smug smile.