Page 137 of You're the One

She moved through the crowds, deciding she’d head to her rental. Once there she’d text Hugo to join her. They could then drive somewhere quiet and wait for the roads to open.

“Luna!” Mrs. L. waved to her.

Luna waved back but didn’t stop.

“Hello, Luna.”

Albert had a stall outside his shop. Looking at the mouthwatering things he had on his table, she selected a few for the trip. Not that she’d feel like eating anything.

Nothing usually put Luna off her food. But maybe leaving Nash would be different. She’d never loved like this before.

“I have to go home today, Albert.” She kissed his cheek.

“But you’ll come back?” He looked hopeful

She couldn’t lie, so she said. “I don’t think so, but I’ll miss you.”

Sniffing she willed away the tears as she weaved her way through people to reach the Tea Total table.

“I heard about those scoundrels approaching Nash’s family,” Miss Marla said.

“Yes, it must have been awful,” Luna said. She then got Hugo a lemon-and-blueberry scone and herself some tea to remember the Robbin’s sisters every time she drank it.

“I have to leave today.”

“What?” Both the sisters shrieked.

“I need to get back to Chicago.” Hurrying around the table she hugged them, and then left, battling back more tears, before they could stop her.

Head down so she didn’t have to see anyone, she passed the end of the shop, behind which she’d been attacked. A hand gripped her arm, and she was dragged sideways.

“We need to talk.”

“Let me go, Simon.” Luna tried to shake him off, but his grip tightened.

“You fired my sister.”

“Because she was feeding you information about me. Information you were selling to pay your debts!” Luna struggled to get free.

“We should be together. Lilly was just helping make that happen.”

The words were so outrageous she laughed. “I loathe you. You’re everything I hate about my life. You’re shallow and think because of your looks you can have any woman you want! I feel nothing for you.”

He dragged her to the rear of the shops.

“Let me go, Simon.”

“You and I are going to spend some time together,” he hissed.

Luna saw his pupils were tiny. There were dark circles and puffiness around his eyes, and he was pale and sweaty.

Stay calm Luna.Her anger would only make the situation worse. Simon was clearly high.

“You need to let me go now, Simon.”

“You and me have unfinished business.” He jerked her into his body and kissed her.

Fear gripped Luna as she tried to get free. Turing her head, she managed to yell for help. Her scream was cut off by a hand, and then she was being dragged backward.