Page 135 of You're the One

“Doing what?”

“Bedroom play, son. They are legends in this town.”

“I just threw up a bit in my mouth,” Nash said.

“What’s the problem here, Nash? You think old people don’t get at it?”

“I know they do; I just don’t want to think about it. Them or anyone, for that matter.” He’d kept this eyes on Luna the entire time. She’d rather be anywhere but seated up there. She wore a cap with the letters L.K. on it and sunglasses. Her hair was in a single braid.

Looking at her seated up there smiling that professional smile he hated, he felt his heart sigh. She was his, he realized. He couldn’t walk away from this. This was real and permanent.

“You look at bit green there, Nash. You doing okay?” Jack asked.

“He’s lucky we’re in a crowd.” Hugo arrived and stood before him.

“Problem?” Fin said, moving to his left, effectively blocking him in on three sides.


“Yes,” Hugo said at the same time.

The man looked all class, something Nash had never wanted or needed. But his eyes were narrowed and angry.

“What’d he do?” Maggs moved to Hugo’s side.

“I don’t have the exact words, but the short version is made her believe she was too much for him to take on. We were leaving town when Chief Blake stopped us to say the road was closed.”

Nash looked at Luna. She’d seen him. She was half out of her seat when Joe said something to her. She sat back down.

“I was wrong, as it turns out, and for the record I never mentioned she was too much for me to take on. She came to that conclusion herself.”

“Hold up. What did you just say?” Maggs asked.

“She was wrong,” he said with his eyes still on Luna.

“Better late than never,” Hugo said. “And after the kick in the teeth she got today, she’ll need you.”

“What kick in the teeth?”

“She’ll tell you. But you need to grovel and make her feel worthy. No one has ever taken the time to do that with Luna.”

They all fell silent as the judging began. Hugo leaned in.

“Do you love her?”

“That’s a discussion for Luna and me to have.”

“You hurt her again, and I’m breaking your face,” Hugo whispered.

“I’ll deserve it.”

Luna hadn’t wanted to be a judge in the muffin baking competition. She’d politely said no when Mrs. Howard asked, it hadn’t worked. Joe Trainer had begged her to judge with him so at least he had a pretty face to look at if the muffins were bad.

So here she was, eating muffins, and trying not to look at Nash. The man had arrived looking the definition of hot, and his eyes had been locked on her since.

“What is that earthy taste in this one?” Joe whispered to her.