Page 124 of You're the One

“I’m already involved. And if my picture is being spread over the inter web, my guess is I’m likely famous now. Do you think I’m going have women throwing themselves at me?”

Her fingers stopped typing, and she looked him.

“Who are you and what have you done with GAG?”

“Grumpy asshole guy is morphing. You and my sister should be real happy about that.” He pulled her onto his lap again. Then nuzzled her neck. “You smell good in the morning.”

“Nash, I need to see the damage,” she protested, but she didn’t pull away. “And no, you won’t be inundated with women throwing themselves at you.” Her words sounded testy to his ears.

“Jealous, baby?”

She ignored him and looked at her phone again. He watched as a photo of them appeared. It was in the lift at the lodge. His hands were braced above her head, and there was absolutely no way you could disguise that he was kissing her. Her hand was around his shoulders. While the picture didn’t show her, the next one certainly did. She stood beside him, dressed in her basketball shirt and shorts, hair a mess, looking cute.

He read the comments. “Seems like Miss Pure is not quite so pure,” he said. “Well, hell, we both already knew that.”

She ignored him, still reading the comments below the post.

“I wouldn’t leave my bed for a week if he was in it,” Nash continued to read. “He’s too good for a bitch like her.”

Luna didn’t flinch as he read that one. Nash wanted to find who this l.sharpgirl was and have words with her about the way to speak about people.

“These people have weird names,” he said after reading a few more comments. One said, “you go girl!” Another said, “I think it’s sweet she’s found this guy. He looks hot, sexy and worthy of a good ride.”

“That one’s true.” He tapped the screen. “But who names their child”

Luna’s shoulders started to shake.

“Hey, don’t cry. They can’t hurt you.” Nash turned her to face him and saw she was laughing.

“What the hell is so funny?”

“Y-You.” She was laughing so hard now, she was shaking.

“Care to share the joke?”

She sniffed, hiccupped, and laughed some more.

“You need me to slap you or something?” Nash drawled.

She inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled. “N-No. I’m good. Those names are not their names.” She pointed to the screen. “They’re the names they made up to use for their online profiles. is that f’n’ gal.”

“You can’t say fuck?” He studied the names on the comments and realized she was right. No one would choose names liked those for a child… he hoped.

“I can; I just don’t choose to like you.”

“I work as a rancher and with men who swear all day. Now, tell me why people don’t use their own names for this stuff.”

“Because that makes them anonymous and able to comment how they want, and no one knows it’s them.”

“That’s a bit gutless.”

“You’re sweet, you know that? Grumpy, and a dinosaur, but sweet.”

“But I am worthy of a good ride?”

“I’m not answering that.”

“Are you worried about this?” He pointed to the screen of her phone.