Page 118 of You're the One

“Okay, that’s all right. When are you thinking of going back to Chicago?”

Nash held his breath at Dylan’s next question.

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll be honest. If this is someone who has been watching you and they’ve followed you here, it would be easier to find them in Ryker as opposed to Chicago.”

Why did he feel almost light-headed with relief?

“I’ll go back and take care of things. You stay here,” Hugo said. His eyes then went to Nash. He’d never been real good at reading people’s faces, but if he was to hazard a guess, he’d say Hugo was telling him to watch his girl.

Nash nodded, because hell, that was a given. “She can move in with me,” he said before he could stop himself.

“What?” Luna’s head spun so fast he was sure her neck cracked. “You don’t want that?”

“Sure I do. You can feed Monica and her duck and save me the time doing it.”

She shot him a look that could only be a glare.

“Good idea. She’ll be safe out there with you,” Dylan said.

“I appreciate it, really, but I’m safe at the Lodge. And Nash goes to work. What happens then?” Luna said.

“I’ll take you with me.”

“I’m not a pet,” she snapped out. “And I make my own decisions and have done so for years. I’m staying at the Lodge.”

“You can go into town in the day and work,” Dylan said. “Or come here or go to any of the places where people are.”

“No.” She folded her arms. “That’s just being silly. I’ll be fine at the lodge.”

“Olivia and Simon will be staying there, Luna. Do you really want to run into them?” Hugo asked.

She didn’t reply to that, just sat there, arms crossed, looking mutinous and cute.

Dylan shot Nash a look as he opened his mouth. He was the recipient of so many silent looks with underlying messages, he wasn’t sure he could keep up.

“Luna, I know you’re used to fame. Just as I know you’re used to dealing with it yourself, but I don’t like this.” Dylan tapped the photo before them. “It could be nothing, but there is a whole load of hatred in it. Let me do some digging and see what I turn up. We also need to tell Chief Blake what is going on.”

“How can you start digging when all you have is a photo?”

“I’m pretty good at what I do, but also have plenty of friends who are even better. Have you ever gone to the police about anything to do with people threatening you?”

She shook her head.

“I think it’s a good idea for you to stay in Ryker.” Dylan gave Luna a gentle smile, which she returned.

Nash had never received one of those smiles, and it pissed him off that he was jealous.

Looking at Luna, he could see she was tense. See that she wanted them all to leave her alone and forget what they’d learned.

Not happening.