Page 114 of You're the One

Chapter 26

He’d watched Luna take herself out of the group she was with inside the rec center and walk to where that woman had been. Luke had told him she was Olivia Tyler. Nash hadn’t waited to hear more. Seeing that limp dick Simon Nicks there too was enough to have him moving. Hugo had been with Luna when he got to her.

Her spine had been so tense, Nash wasn’t sure how it didn’t shatter.

“You don’t have to look after everyone, Luna. Some of us are capable of doing that for ourselves.”

Some of the fire had gone out of her now. Whatever fuse had been lit inside her had extinguished, and now she sat against his passenger-side door looking confused. Cute and confused. Sweaty, hair half undone, she looked good. Really good.

“I don’t know how to let people look after themselves.”

He was pretty sure she was only half joking.

“You like to be in control. I get that, and especially considering your life. But you don’t have to be an island, Luna.”

“You’re kidding me, right? You, the actual definition of ‘I’m an island,’ are saying that to me.”

“Yeah, well, maybe I’m changing.” Nash grabbed her hand and tugged; she was in his arms seconds later.

“People will see!”

“Let them.” He kissed her salty lips. “Now you need to listen to what I’m saying, okay?”

She nodded.

“That woman has her own shit to deal with, and that’s on her, not you. Clearly, she’s jealous of you, and that makes her mean. Her and that douchebag. But they don’t define you. You do that. Be you, Luna, and people will work out the real from the fake.”

She pushed herself up off his chest to look at him, her cool blue eyes studying him.

“I think that’s just about the best piece of advice anyone has ever given me.”

“Obviously you’re mixing with the wrong people.”


He cupped her face and kissed her softly.

“You’re way too nice, Nash Winter. Nice, and kind, and then there’s this.” She waved her hand at his face. “I wish you weren’t.”

He stayed silent, watching her, just letting his feelings settle inside his head for this woman.

“I wish we were just a man and a woman who wanted each other and it was that uncomplicated.”

“Nothing in life worth shit is uncomplicated.”

“I live in Chicago; you live here. That’s complicated,” she said. “Not that you’ve said you want it… or me.” She was looking panicky now.

“I want you, and yes, I know it’s complicated.”

“Okay, and that’s good and yet not good.” She lowered her forehead to his chest.

Nash cupped the back of her neck, stroking the soft skin with his thumb.

“I’ve always had a direction, Nash. Always knew where I wanted to go, but for the first time in my life, I’m confused.”

“And I’m confusing you?”

He felt her nod.