Page 112 of You're the One

And it was that easy to them, but Luna knew that when she went home the crazy that was her life would be there. It had already started. Email, messages asking when she was coming back.

“What the hell is going on over there?” Charlie said, looking to the door.

“I don’t know, but it seems limp dick got the message,” Rory said as they watched Simon walk away.

He threw Luna a smug smile, and when she saw who had walked in, she knew exactly why.

“Well, shit, Olivia Tyler,” Piper said. “What is she doing here?”

“My guess is because Luna is,” Mandy said.

Luna moved away from the team. They were not part of this, and she wouldn’t have Olivia and her people hassling them. This town was too small, and Olivia had power over her minions, and she wasn’t afraid to use it. She met the woman who had been making her life hell for more years than she could count in the middle of a court.

“Luna!” Olivia cooed. “Look at you, what have you done to yourself?”

She had beautiful olive skin, big brown eyes, and was stick thin. She’d been an amazing model but far too demanding for many to handle. After a few years her reputation put people off. She wore a short, fitted tank dress in orange. On her feet were white sneakers. Her hair was styled to look messy, but Luna knew the effect would have taken a stylist to create it. Her makeup was perfect.

The woman was beautiful, no getting around that. And for a few brief months she and Luna had been friends. All that changed when Luna started to get the jobs Olivia wanted.

“It’s a bit quiet here for a vacation, surely, Olivia?” Luna said. “You usually like a few million people around.”

“I felt like a change.” She waved a hand tipped with perfectly manicured bronze nails.

“Problem, Luna?” Simon smirked.

“Black eye, Simon?” Luna replied. “Oh dear, and is that a tear in your Calvin Klein shirt?” she added.

“Well now, fancy you being here, Olivia.” Hugo arrived at Luna’s side.

“Hugo.” She looked down her nose at him.

“Oh dear, Simon. Look at that scuff mark on your loafers,” Hugo said.

Simon looked ready to commit bodily harm.

“What do you want, Olivia?” Luna cut to the chase.

“Want?” Olivia giggled. “Why would I want anything from you?” The woman’s eyes widened, and Luna had no idea why, or who was behind her, but she wasn’t looking. You never turned your back on this woman. Dramatic, and likely an overreaction, but she’d had experience doing just that.

“And yet here you are in the same town as me. Coincidence? I think not.”

She felt him before he spoke, but if she hadn’t, the interest in Olivia’s eyes would have given him away. Nash’s hand trailed down her spine before he moved to her side.


Olivia’s smile widened. “We’re just having a reunion,” she said, sticking out her hand and her chest. “My name is Olivia Tyler.”

“You about done catching up?” he asked Luna, ignoring Olivia. “We’re heading out.” She looked at him as he looked down. His eyes were narrowed and angry, and she knew that wasn’t because of her—well, she didn’t think it was. He was angry Olivia was here.

“I said—”

“I heard you.” Nash cut Olivia off. “Let’s go.” He took Luna’s hand and tugged. “You too, Hugo,” he added.

“If I say I love you, is it going to upset you?” Hugo asked.

Nash didn’t speak; his jaw was clenched, and he simply walked, holding her wrist in a large hand. Luna wasn’t the swooning type, but it was close. She should not be happy that he’d done what he had, but she was. Clearly, she was becoming unhinged, because she absolutely never let a man lead her anywhere.

Luna turned to look at Olivia. She was still shocked at what had taken place. Plus, not one person had approached her for a photo.