Page 12 of You're the One

“We, the locals, know you’re right. The Robbins sisters don’t see it that way. This town is different from others,” Charlie said. “It’s really hard to explain how it works, but you’ll get the idea soon enough.”

“Let’s go then, and over dinner you can explain to me how it’s different.”

“The locals won’t bother you, Luna, we get a lot of famous people here.”

“It’s all good, Charlie. It comes with the territory.” Luna was used to people who wanted to talk to her and take pictures. It was part of who she’d made herself into. She’d do this for her friend, and then they could go somewhere quiet, have a meal, and talk.

“This is your vacation, you need it, and I’m making sure you get it.”

Vacation; that sounded good. She hadn’t had one of those for years.

“I like your town,” Luna said, looking down the main street of Ryker Falls.

Cute-looking shop fronts, flowers in hanging baskets, and trees for shade. Benches to sit and rest on and ornate streetlamps.

“But I really need to ask what a coffee run is?” she said, looking at a banner.

“You pair up and run up the mountain. One of you holds a coffee, and the one who makes it back first with some coffee in your cup wins.”

“You’re not serious?”

“This town is all about community, and their way of bringing us all together is to do things like bake contests, Santa runs, and bachelor nights. Then there is the latest Christmas activity, adult musical chairs.”

Luna looked at her friend to see if she was messing with her.

“I’m serious. This town is not like others, and the seniors are crazy. Mom said there will be more banners going up soon.”

“I met one of your seniors. He asked if I wanted to run with the Ryker Roadies, then told me I’d see him tonight at Tea Total.”

“Mr. Goldhirsh.” Charlie nodded. “He’s always trying to get everyone moving. The man is either exercising or reading poetry.”

“Heard that too, and received my invitation to a reading. Do you think your friends would like some of my face oil, Charlie? I have a few things in my car; we can get them on the way.”

“They’d love that.”

They walked to where she’d parked her rental, and she took out the bag she’d put some of her product in. They then headed to Tea Total.

“Are you really okay, Luna?”

“Why do you think I’m not?”

“Because I know you, and I can see something is bothering you. Plus, like I said, you’ve lost some of your spark.”

They walked a few more steps before Luna spoke. “I’ve been doing some things out of character lately and not even realizing I’ve done them, Charlie. Hugo thinks I’m burnt out.”

“What kinds of things?”

Luna told her.

“That doesn’t sound like you.”

“I know.” Luna sighed. “It’s weird. I remember doing them the way they should have been done. Putting the file on Lilly’s desk and diarizing things correctly, but now I’m not so sure.”

Charlie slipped her arm through Luna’s. “You need a break, and you’re going to get it. Then when you get back to Chicago, you need to have a checkup. I’ve heard that burnout can manifest itself in odd ways, so maybe that’s what’s happening.”

Maybe it was, Luna thought. Maybe it was also a sign that she needed to make some changes in her life. For now, though, she’d enjoy this. Her first actual vacation in years.