Page 104 of You're the One

“What’s interesting?” Dylan wandered up with Grace.

Nash stepped right and onto Ford’s foot. The breath hissed out his brother’s mouth.

“That asshole is here,” Luke said.

“What asshole?” Jack Trainer had followed Dylan. He wore dark glasses and looked pale.

The Ryker boys never wore a uniform and looked like they’d climbed out of a dumpster. To be fair, the SRR boys weren’t a whole lot better, but at least their shirts matched.

“Well now, Nash. Your girl has had more trouble today,” Joe said.

“What trouble?” Nash felt his anger rise. He didn’t even respond to the “your girl” comment. Denial never got him anywhere with these guys.

“That paparazzi asshole, Simon Nicks, who was behind paying Doug the Douchbag for the bachelorette party pictures.” Joe and Luke were staring at a man seated with the spectators.

“What has you guys looking feral?” Jake McBride arrived.

“Just trying to work that out,” Nash said.

“That guy, Nicks, in the bleachers seated alone was hassling Luna when we arrived at the Lodge. Me, Joe, and Pip stepped in. Luna said thanks, but that she was used to it,” Luke said.

Nash found the guy and felt anger surge through him. He hated that someone was hassling her. Hated it and wanted to go over there and forcibly removed him from the rec center.

“Her friend was with her. Apparently, he just arrived,” Luke added.

“What friend?” Nash did not like the jealousy that shot through him. Anger and now jealousy. All this emotion had to be bad for a person.

“Hugo. He works with her. Nice guy,” Joe said. “They seemed real close.”

Nash saw by Joe’s look his words had been deliberate. “I could really hurt you, and you’d never see it coming.”

The smile widened.

Nash looked back at the paparazzi dude. He could be up there in seconds and remove him before too many people knew what he was about.

“Hugo is seated over there.” Luke pointed, and Nash dragged his eyes from the asshole to focus on a guy dressed like he was heading out to a nightclub.Slickwas his first thought. His second was,he can’t have her.

“How do you get used to something like that?” Dylan asked. “I mean I’ve had my fair share of interviews and stuff like that, but it was never constant. Must be hard to be Luna.”

“Get out.” Jack looked at his brother-in-law. “You never told me you were famous.”

“Very funny. My point is, it’s not fun.”

“Hugo also said that Nicks got all hot and heavy with Luna once, but she kneed him in the balls. The guy’s a shithead.”

“Uncle Joe said shithead, Daddy.”

Grace was swinging Dylan’s hand while looking around her. She wore purple today. A dress with some character on the front, and sparkly red shoes.

“You go on and tell Uncle Joe what happens when anyone swears now, sweetheart,” Dylan said.

“You need to put two of your favorite toys in the basket, and you can’t have them for a week, Uncle Joe. Then you have to take out the trash all week too.”

“Your daddy’s pretty tough, is my guess, Grace.” Nash bent down to talk to her, so he didn’t have to look at Luna or the man hassling her. Because he wanted to sprint over there, climb to where he sat, and grab him. He’d then make him real sorry for upsetting her, let alone putting his hands on her.

“He is, but Nana said I have to remember he does it because he loves me and wants me to be a good person.”

“There you go then.” Nash placed a hand on top of her head.