Page 100 of You're the One

“If there is something between you, you could relocate, or travel back and forth?” Charlie said. “Long-distance romances can work.”

“That’s not going to happen. He hates the city. End of discussion.” Luna knew that when she left Nash would be a pain inside her for years to come.

“Okay, well I need something in my stomach to hear more details. I feel ready to pass out from lack of nourishment,” Hugo said. “Now tell me what’s in that white envelope you’re clutching.”

“I don’t know. Lenny handed it to me at the Lodge. Then I saw you and Simon Nicks, aka paparazzi asshole, and forgot about it.”

“I wondered how long it would be before one of them arrived here.” Charlie looked annoyed.

“It’s part of what I do.” Luna handed the envelope to Hugo to open. He loved opening things. “It’s probably some kind of invitation to something.”

Hugo tore the end and pulled out a photo of her.

It was taken at a movie premiere she’d attended just a week before she came to Ryker Falls. The dress was white and fitted and she’d loved it. Someone had drawn a knife in her chest, and blood was pouring out of her.

“What the hell!” Charlie slammed on the brakes right in the middle of the street. She snatched the picture from Hugo.

“You’re a fake. Everyone hates you. Go home to England and don’t come back or you’ll be sorry.” Hugo read the black words written in angry strokes.

“Christ, Luna,” Charlie said.

“All right, that’s it, we’re going home today, as soon as we can book flights,” Hugo said, his voice was shaky.

“Could it be one of Olivia’s fans? Or Simon Nicks?” Charlie asked. “Whoever it is, we need to take this to Chief Blake.”

“No. This is nothing to do with Ryker Falls. This has followed me here, Charlie. I need to go back; Hugo is right.”

“I don’t want you to go back. You’re safer here, and you don’t know if the problem followed you here or is here.”

“Either way I need to leave because I’ve been knocked out and Olivia’s girls found me. In Chicago they don’t do this.” She took the picture and studied it.

She knew people hated her. Knew people wouldn’t hesitate to crucify her via any social media platform, but this seemed so much more frightening because someone had drawn that knife in her chest in anger.

“Do you think it could be a stalker?” Hugo asked.

“Why would a stalker send a threat?” Charlie asked. “Don’t they want to get close to their victims?”

“Christ.” His hand ran through his hair, which was a sure sign he was worried. He rarely touched his hair when it had product in it.

“Okay, we’ll talk more about this after smoothies and basketball,” Charlie said. “Luna will be safe with us for now.”

“You hate basketball,” Luna said to Charlie.

“I don’t actually, it’s just not been a top priority for me. I was quite good in school.”

“You never said that.” Luna latched on to her friend’s words, desperate to not think about that picture and the words written on it.

“It’s okay. We’ll make sure no one else gets near you.” Hugo took her hand in his, and she felt better, but if she had Nash’s arms around her, she’d feel safe.

It was unsettling to think someone she may have passed on the main street had sent this to her.

They entered the health food store that had the word “Organic” written on the window in large letters. Luna could feel her body sigh at the prospect of a drink full of goodness.

“Hi.” The woman behind the counter had a smile on her face and wore an apron that said “lettuce be happy.”

She and Hugo ordered the full body cleanser, and Charlie the blueberry bomb. Hugo also got a large wedge of some kind of seed cake. Luna then took a photo outside after the owner asked if she would, in front of the sign.

A small breeze ruffled the water as they walked along the boardwalk, and she saw a small island that seemed to be covered in tiny buildings.